☥Chapter Ten☥

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You have this affect on me and I really can't explain it -Dionna ☼

-Nyzra (Taj) in the MM ☼


I groaned, trying to sit up. Hanson and I were in an awkward position- my head underneath his legs, my face right there... It was definitely in plain sight, causing me to blush. 

"So, what's for breakfast?" Harper smiled

Rolling my eyes at him, Hanson sucked his teeth- getting off the floor, "Nigga, fuck you"

"Mm, baby when?" Harper wiggled his eyebrows

"Old nigga faggot," Hanson mumbled 

"I'm a faggot fo' you though, cutie" Harper blew kisses at him

He started laughing as he went in the kitchen. Hanson looked down at me and I looked away from him. He's really tall- and I'm not joking. The dude is 6'5 and it honestly scares me at how I'm an ant compared to him- considering the fact that I'm 5'4 and a half. 


"I'mma go to my room" I muttered, approaching the steps

"Wait," He trailed behind me "Wait, Lani" 

His hand grasped my arm softly, pulling me back, "What?"

"Why you goin' upstairs? You didn't even eat yet" He said

"I'm not hungry," I slanted my lips, "That's all" 

"Are you sure?" He raised his eyebrow. I nodded "I'mma find out if you're lyin' or not"

He squatted down, pressing his ear to the center of my stomach- waiting for it to growl. Biting on my lip, I got nervous when his hands were placed on my thighs. Feeling the inside of my stomach rumble, Hanson chuckled lightly. 

"Now, why you lie to me like that?" He asked, his mouth forming into a grin

"I-I, erm, uh- hmm" I coughed "I wasn't, um"

I frowned- my cheeks feeling hot. He smiled, making me jog up the steps. 

"Zahlani!" He shouted

I shut the door- locking it. Plopping on my bed, face first, I muffled out a scream. 

Oh God, why did I embarrass myself like that? I'm such a fucking dummy!


Sighing, I turned over, looking at my ceiling. My crush just gave me my first kiss- and I enjoyed every minute of it. Never would I have thought that he would like me- or does he? Probably not... I'm not sure, I don't know. 

It felt nice and exhilarating when his hands touched my skin. I have on pajama shorts and a crop top as well as socks- exposing a lot of skin. But when I smelled breakfast downstairs, I thought it was Harper cooking. I had no clue Hanson spent the night. 

Running my hands through my braids, I rolled over to the side. I'm just a frantic, depressed, awkward teenage girl. No nigga would dare to be with someone like me- especially Hanson. He's sweet and cute as hell. But me? Oh shit, fam- fuck. 

I decided to get up, heading out the door. Hanson wasn't there and I sighed in relief. Going down the steps, I bumped into someone, juice splattering on the wooden floor. Hanson stood there with a huge stain on his sweatpants. 

He had napkins in his hands- and I quickly took them, drying his pants off. 

I didn't realize it was in the inner part- me, drying off near his manhood. 

The Things I Would Do For YouNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ