A little less sixteen candles

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Blake POV.

"Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Blake and Brendon happy birthday to youuuu twooooo" Patrick a good friend of mine and Brendon's sang to us while we awkwardly looked around the room.

"Blow em out blow em out blow em out" Two other friends ,Joe and Andy, chanted.

"Ill blow out the 6 and you blow out the 1" Brendon said in my ear.

"Excuse me ill blow out the 6 the bigger number as usual since I'm technically older" I said leaning back over to Brendon.





"Brenny and Blakie Bear remember the faster you finish the cake the sooner you can head to your real party!" Our mom rubbed out heads trying to embarrass us so we could hurry for our friends. Finally we just blew out both together to save us anymore embarrassment.

It was October 31 Halloween night also my Twin brother Brendon Boyd Urie and I Blake Brooklyn Urie 16 birthday. Most years we just have a party at our house with our close friends, but this year our mom and dad let us rent this huge place and we were going to throw a big birthday/Halloween party with a ton of people and the best part is it was unsupervised.

"Guys can our little group do our gifts here like we always have" Ryan my brothers boy friend asked.

"That sounds like a plan sweetheart." Brendon said getting up and kissing Ryan's cheek.

Andy,Joe,Patrick,Brendon,Ryan,mom,dad, and I all piled into the living room and sat in the floor well besides me I was wearing a dress so I really couldn't sit on the floor.

"So Andy joe and I got Blake a big present this year like we did Bren last year" Patrick said walking into then out of the guest bedroom holding a new guitar the one I've been wanting for ages.

"GUYS!!!!omgdidyoureallyjustgetmethisimgoingtofreakingcryohmychairlikewowguys." I started talking really fast and jumping up and down. "I freaking love you dorks"

Patrick handed me the black and purple guitar and I hugged all three of the guys.

"And Brendon we got you this" Joe said handing Brendon a new hoodie. He said his thanks and hugged them.

"It's my turn ladies and gentlemen prepare to be amazed" Ryan said carrying two large square things covered in black (our fave colour) wrapping paper.

"Hmm sounds like his 6th grade magic talent show act" I said laughing.

"Shhh you brat and take in all the amazement" Ryan pulled off the paper on each of the squares. "Ta-freaking-da" Ryan said trying to watch his language around our parents.

The black paper reviled two picture frames mine was every picture Ryan and I have ever taken and in the middle there was a picture of Brendon Ryan and I a couple of months ago. Brendon's was the same just pictures of him.

"Awe ryyyyyyyyyyy" I smiled getting up and hugging him.
Brendon walked over and kissed him and we all heard Ryan whisper in his ear "I give you the rest tonight babe" our dad almost choked on his coffee, he really dident support Brendon's decisions but mom and I did and he said that's all that matters.

"WE HAVE TO GO IMMEDIATELY RIGHT NOW!" Brendon said rather loud grabbing our bag with mine and his matching costumes in it. He motioned for the others to come.

"Bye mom...dad" We all actually said in unison the boys have gotten to the point where they are considered family. We all walked out into Andy's minivan that he borrowed from his mother.

16 and Pregnant (a Pete Wentz Story)Book 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang