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A week or so had passed. My father left for work. He worked at a construction sight as one of the builders. My mother didn't have work so she would stay home most of the time. She let me stay home from school for today so I could get some sleep -- so that was a relief. I and been trying to avoid John all week and it was working, I hadn't seen him once-- or let him see me.

I slept until about noon, 12:46pm when I looked at the clock. I took a shower and brushed my hair and teeth after I finally got up.

All of this week, I have been sick, feeling nauseous in the morning, I had no idea why. When I looked in the side closet, near the shower, when I was trying to find the hair brush, I found an unused pregnancy test. I hadn't had my period at all this month and I was starting to get worried. (I had to know!) It was still in the box, not yet opened.

I thought for a moment. What if I were --

There was always a possibility.

I walked over and locked the bathroom door. I turned around, putting my back on the door, and opened the box of the test.

I sat in the bathtub for about twenty minutes. I waited. I looked down at the result.

... I felt like I skipped a heart beat or forgot to breathe.

I couldn't believe what I saw. And I thanked God that I found this test, yet I cursed John for doing this to me.

The test was positive.

I through the cardboard box in the trash, stuffing the test back inside of it, too. Then, I brought it out to the trash bin in the front yard.

I walked back inside. As I was, I looked down to my stomach. I put my hand over it. I never imagined this happening-- at least not at this age. I walked back inside and went back to my room. I would wait until my father came home and I might as well tell him before he could hit me too hard, again.

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