"Would you like to share some wine? Laura told me you liked it." Thomas may have liked it, and so this Laura may be correct, but Stiles hated wine. After a bad college experience involving too much white and a bit of red, Stiles would never willingly drink the stuff again. However, he was Thomas tonight who most likely had not had such an experience and so he just nodded with a strained smile.

"Sounds good. You can choose." Derek gave the name of some posh sounding wine he'd never heard of and Stiles made an approving noise.

"So Derek, tell me about yourself," Stiles said once the waitress left, flashing what he hoped was a charming smile. It had been a while since his last date, okay?

"Well, there's not much to say about me really, I'm kind of boring." Derek gave a quiet self-deprecating laugh, scratching the back of his neck.

"I'm sure that's not true. C'mon dude, tell me your interests and stuff. You gotta job." It occurred afterwards to Stiles that he was pretty sure you're not supposed to call your date dude, but it just slipped out and thankfully, Derek didn't seem to mind. Either that he was just extremely polite.

"Sort of. I'm an artist. I know it's not the most stable of jobs but-"

"You kidding me? That's awesome. I'd draw but I don't have an artistic bone in my body."

Derek blushed again. "Oh that's right. Laura told me you were an accountant."

An accountant. Jeez Thomas was sounding like a boring guy, really, he was doing Derek a favour.

"Haha, yeah, an accountant. That's me, I love numbers." Stiles internally winced. "But I'm more interested in you. What sort of artist are you, do you paint, sculpt?"

"I do paint and I also work with charcoal and pencil. Depends what mood I'm in."

"Awesome. What do you draw?"

Derek shrugged. "Whatever gives me inspiration."

"Well, you'll definitely have to show me your art sometime," Stiles declared without thinking. It then dawned on him what he'd said and almost smacked his head on the table. This whole thing wasn't even going to last beyond dinner because Stiles wasn't Thomas, the guy he'd actually wanted to meet. At best, the dinner was going to finish, Stiles might get a kiss if he was lucky and then they'd leave, Derek eventually finding out the truth, becoming angry at being tricked and the two never seeing each other again. Even if Derek expressed an interest in seeing him again, it wasn't him he wanted to see, it was the guy Stiles was acting as.

"I'd like that."

The wine arrived at that moment and as a considerate person, Derek let Stiles taste the wine. It took all of his willpower not to gag.

"Tastes good," he choked out, glad he'd drunk a load of water before Derek had arrived.

The waitress poured Derek a glass then asked if they wanted to order. Stiles, having picked out his meal the moment he sat down, patiently waited for Derek to choose then rattled off his order.

"I'll have the steak please, medium rare with fries. And ketchup if you have it." He saw the brief look of 'why are you even here you heathen' before the expression on the waitresses face returned to its pleasant state for Derek, who he'd noted had given him a confused glance at his order.

Derek ordered the same as him, steak, rare, and then brought up his confusion.

"Laura told me you were a vegetarian. Part of the reason we chose here was because this place did some of the best vegetarian food."

Sterek One Shots (boyxboy)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα