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(Dipper's POV)

"....I mean.....last night. Did you have a bad dream, or something??...." I moved around to face Mabel. "You were hurting yourself. I think.....but it was like.....you were trying to stop hurting yourself, while you were doing it. Your neck looks really bad, by the way."

I moved a hand up and brushed my fingers across the skin. I winced, feeling the bruises hurt bad. I met her eyes again. "....o-oh....I-I was just dreaming......i-it was stupid....like.....s-someone was choking me......" I think I lied. I wasn't sure. That was a part of the truth.

But I was not going to tell her that Bill had been harassing me. He'd been kissing me. Getting me all worked up and emotional. Getting me off. No. I wasn't gonna just say all that. I'd make it up, and hopefully it would make sense later. That's when I'd say it.

"Oh..." She sighed. Mabel frowned, moving closer. "...listen....if there's anything you want to talk about, I'm here for you. Don't keep secrets, okay? You know that you can trust me....right?...." I thought for a second, then nodded. I avoided her eyes. "Yeah. I know..."

She hugged me. "....I don't want any kind of monster or demon to get to you and mess with your head. I'm here. We can deal with him if we have to." My jaw clenched and an odd feeling washed over me. I felt like I had been insulted. Or, rather, Bill had been insulted.

I wanted to protect him a bit.
"Mabel.....it's not Bill. Shut up about him, okay?...." I ordered, rather rudely. Mabel hesitated clearly, then let go and moved back. Our eyes met, and I felt a little pissy. "...a...alright....." She agreed, but I knew she wasn't convinced. I frowned.

Then, I turned. "....I'm gonna go shower....." I muttered, then left and headed to the bathroom. I shut the door and groaned, pressing my palms to my face. I dragged my hands down and to my shirt. I pulled it off and tossed it to the floor. I locked the door and stepped over to the shower.

As I pulled down my shorts, my mind instantly went to Bill. I blushed, remembering the feeling of his hand. When he touched me. My blush darkened when I pulled off my boxers to reveal my half erect member.

I leaned in and turned on the loud shower. My stomach fluttered and I stood still. I reached down and gripped my erection, rubbing slowly. It wasn't normal for me to do this, but I felt so stressed. I just wanted to feel good for at least a few seconds.

"...a-ah...." I grunted, the loudness of the shower running drowning out my noise. I pumped faster. I panted as my pleasure increased. "....n-nuh....B-Bill...." I moaned a little louder. My cheeks heated, having said his name. I thought about his face and lips and touch. "....Bill~!..." I yelped, just a bit above the water sound.

Then, my climax hit. It flowed through me, beating that special spot. I threw my head back and gasped, cum coating most of my hand. I panted, my heart throbbing. It took a couple seconds, but the pleasure eventually faded. I hung my head. I blinked, blushing.

".....B-Bill......" I whispered. A few seconds of feeling embarrassed alone later, I stepped under the shower water. My heart beat and I breathed heavily.

What is he doing to me...?
What's he doing to my life....??....
Whatever I feel.......I just don't want it to end up hurting me....or anyone else.....

I Can't Decide... (BillDip) [Bipper] {human Bill}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz