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(Dipper's POV)

The creature eyed me, seemingly smirking now. My heart raced in fear. I couldn't scream out again. I tried.

I stumble back quickly, unable to avert my eyes. What happened next shocked me.

The unknown monster reformed.
Into me.
Except, made completely of darkness.
My heart felt frozen, but zoomed.
Tears fell down my cheeks as I stared at the dark version of me, it's bloody eyes piercing into mine. It let out an evil laugh.
Until, something hit it in the side of the head.

I watch as the dark me's head burst into blue flames, and so did the rest of it. It frowned, letting out a loud shriek. Then, it burst into a cloud of black smoke. I coughed hard, hunching over, scared. I cried and cried, until everything got quiet and normal.

(Yeah, sorry, I have to write sorta normal now....it's giving me a headache...XD I'm so lame...lol...)

I slowly looked up. I blushed at who I found.

"....Pine Tree." He whispered.

I beheld his figure now. He wore a golden tailcoat with a brick pattern toward the end, a little black bow tie, and his floating top hat. A dark triangular eyepatch sat atop his right eye, and his golden hair was halved into a bit less dark black.

He frowned at me. I was embarrassed and flustered, having remembered what happened just that morning. I couldn't stare into his yellow eyes anymore. I tilted my head down.

"...n....be more careful....." came his sigh. My cheeks heated up more. He stood there before me silently for a minute. I groaned on the inside. ".......t-thank....you....." I forced myself to say. Then, I felt something sit above my head. It was my hat.

"You dropped it." Bill told, moving his hand away when I tilted up my head. Our eyes were forced to meet. My heart throbbed. I hadn't even noticed that.

What the-?
Why are you being so nervous?!
It's just Bill!
It's no one!
He's evil, in fact!
As if you'd forgive him for helping you with a little monster!
The journal could do that!

"Pardon me for the interruption Pines, but that wasn't any old monster. You're welcome, by the way." I blushed even more. I nervously looked away. "Don't do t-that!..." I yelped. He glared at me. "...huh?" "...don't read my thoughts!...." I saw him chuckle. My blush covered my face.

"Sorry, Pine Tree. Sometimes I can't help it.....it's like your head is telling me to do it." My blush deepened a darker red. "...a-and don't call me that! Y-you....y-you're...." He stared while I spoke. I looked at him shyly. He smiled, crossing his arms. "Yes? I'm what?" My heartbeat sped up and I stepped back.

"....I don't know...w-what you're trying to do to me.....but just stop. Okay?....it's pissing me off...." I finished, gaining a bit of courage. It was instantly shot down by what he said next. "Liar. I know what you're thinking, Dipper. Now, you don't want me to leave. I know it." My eyes widened an I frowned. "Shut up!!!! No you don't!!!! I hate you!!!!! I'll always hate you, Bill!!!!!"

After screaming at him, he had a grip on my wrists. I glared into his eyes, shocked. Bill kept a straight face. "Then I'll just have to change that. Soon, you'll understand."

He leaned down and pushed his lips against mine. I gasped, squirming hard and trying to get away. He held me firmly, biting my lip hard. I yelped, and he took the opportunity to push his tongue into my mouth. When he tilted his head, the kiss only got deeper. I couldn't breathe.

I can't breathe!
He's kissing me!!
I want him to go away!!!
I DON'T want this!!!!!

After what seemed like hours, Bill suddenly broke away, disappearing in a burst of blue flames. I panted and coughed hard, blushing and staring wide eyed at nothing.

Then, I heard his voice in my ears again.

You're going to be mine, Pine Tree~

I Can't Decide... (BillDip) [Bipper] {human Bill}Where stories live. Discover now