Rooftop Confessions

Start from the beginning

            “There’s nothing wrong in thinking about bad stuff, it’s pretty close to being realistic. Life is full of bad things, but you can’t do anything about it.”

            “Can I tell you something?”


            “I got into a fight with him.”


            “Yea.” He pursed his lips,

            “About what?”

            “We tend to get into fights over little things. I don’t know, maybe things got into the wrong foot.”

            “Did he refuse to talk to you?”

            “Sort of.” He flicked his eyebrows halfheartedly, “Why?”

            “I saw him at a record store with Sean.”

            “They always go there.” He chuckled, “We just need to be separated sometimes, you know? Like, not see each other for a few days or so.”

            “That always happens. There’s no such thing as a perfect relationship.”

            “I’m with you.” He agreed,

            “Believe it or not, I get into a lot of fights with Andy. Bad ones. Even though people think that we’re this perfect pair of siblings. It happens, it’s a part of nature.”

            “I’m surprised.”

            “He tends to get into bad moods often, then we’d start yelling at each other. He looks scary when he’s hardcore mad. The worst fights happened when I just turned eight, when we’re the most vulnerable.”


            “That’s when mom started to get busy in Australia. One wrong word can turn into a fight.”

            “That bad?”

            I nodded, “That bad. I’d start throwing punches at him- but don’t worry, they were harmless.”

            He chuckled, “Good to know.”

            “I kept on doing it until he got sick and tired of it. When it got to that point, he’ll flick his fingers on my ear and that hurt. It got me to shut up, but it also pissed me off even more at the same.”

            “You guys don’t fight anymore, right?”

            “The last fight I had with him was before I turned nine. So the worst fights only happened in that period of time.”

            “Keep it like that.”

            “I’ll try. So anyways, I’d say ‘I hate you’ and walk away, just like that. Then he’d go looking for me, which always ends up in the roof.”

            “I’m aware of your weird habits.”

            “Yea.” I nodded, “It usually takes two hours for him and I to cool off. When he finds me, he’d scoop me up and put me on his lap to have a rational talk about it. I could sit there and listen to him or both of us could sit in silence until dark, both works.”

The Foster Kid (Part 4) (A Foster The People Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now