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Three days before the concert and so far, nothing has happened. I started to think that nothing would happen, which is a good thing. I kept on convincing myself that they are going to blow the roof off the place later. But doesn’t life disappoint you? I got a call at midnight, from Cubbie. Thankfully, I wasn’t asleep yet, so yea, he’s lucky. It’s not that bad, but it’s bad enough to be considered as something bad. Thus the beginning of a problem, or should I say problems… I think… Well, I can’t predict what will happen next. “Ally!” Cubbie cried,

            “Cubbie, it’s in the middle of the night.”

            “I know, I’m sorry.”

            “What’s the matter?”

            “I need your help.”

            “Why is Nate crying?”

            “That’s the problem! He won’t stop and I can’t think of anything!”

            “Calm down.”

            “I don’t know what’s wrong with him!”

            “There must be some explanation.”

            “Can you please come here?”

            I sighed, “I’m on my way.”

            “Thank you.”

            By the time I got to his house, all the lights were on. I lingered at the door for a while and listen to Nate crying. I think I know that cry, so I decided to ask Ryan. I asked him what to do if I suspect that Nate might be sick. He told me to check Nate’s temperature and give him some antibiotics. I guess the bad side of life has just started. I knocked and Cubbie immediately opened it, “Oh, thank God you’re here.” He had Nate on his arms, crying his little eyes out. Cubbie looked like he was about to lose his mind and the shoulder part of his shirt was wet with tears and snot.


            “Hey… I’m sorry for dragging you out of bed.”

            “No, I wasn’t asleep yet.”

            “Thanks for helping me.”

            “I’m glad to help.”

            “Nate, please stop crying.” He bounced Nate,

            “He’s not going to stop crying, you know?”

            “Why’s that?”

            “Give him to me and go get a thermometer.” I calmly said,

            He shook his head, “Why didn’t I think of that?”

            “No worries, people make mistakes.” I held Nate tight in my arms and followed Cubbie.

            “Ally?” Nate whimpered weakly. I think he got tired of crying,

            “What’s up, buddy?”

            “I don’t feel good.”

            I swayed back and forth with my hand stroking his forehead, “Well, you’re going to be okay.”

            He started coughing, “My tummy hurts.”

            “Cubbie, I’ll be in the bathroom if you need me!” I trotted to the bathroom,

The Foster Kid (Part 4) (A Foster The People Fan Fiction)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat