Nate Being Nate

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I went out and it was already dark. I trotted towards the car and climbed in. This happens too much, me forgetting where I placed my phone. I opened everything that could be opened, searched under seats, and inside the seats. As I searched the dashboard behind the steering wheel, I found Ryan’s picture that he kept in his wallet. I remembered when his sister died and he was sitting next to her tomb. I turned the picture and found his writing ‘Move on’. I’ll take that in a good way. I think he’s trying to say to move on from your problems. “Ally, have you found your phone yet?” Ryan shouted from the door,


“I need your help!”

“In a minute.” I stopped to think. Guess what? It’s on the cup holder. I strode back to the house and Ryan was already waiting behind the door,


“Nate’s decided to play hide and seek.” He gulped,

“Seriously?” I arched an eyebrow, “You lost him?”

“Don’t make me panic!” He cried,

“Calm down, he’s not going anywhere.”

“Yea, good advice.” He rolled his eyes,

I stared at him, “Stop being ridiculous.”

“Stop staring at me like that.” He frowned,

“Make me.”

He smiled, planting a kiss on my forehead. “There.”

I shrugged, “That worked. I’ll check his room.” So I went to his room, and I was right. I found Nate lying on the floor and was perfectly still. He’s not dead or anything, he was just staring at the ceiling with his mind somewhere else. He had his arms wrapped around the teddy that I gave him. I stepped closer and lied down next to him, “What are you doing?”

“Waiting for daddy.” He answered, fumbling with his brand new teddy.

“Can I wait with you?”

“Okay.” Then he started to ask about dads, which I have to explain it in a way two year olds can understand. “Do you know what daddy does?”

“Your dad has the coolest job in the universe.”

“What is it?” He asked eagerly,

“He makes thousands of people happy, buddy.”

“Really? How?”

“He makes music. Do you like music?”

“Yes!” He giggled, “Do you think I can be just like daddy?”

“Of course you can!”

“Knock-knock!” Ryan popped his head from the back of the door,

“Hey, Ryan.”

“Wyan!” Nate couldn’t even pronounce his name properly,

“Hey, guys.” He chuckled,

“I found him!” I informed,

“Yes you did.” He stepped in and knelt next to me,

“Hey, are you going to be okay with him?”

“You’re going now?”

“I’m sorry, it’s late.”

I sat up, “Okay, I’ll see you. Thanks for keeping me accompanied.”

He kissed my forehead, “That’s my thing! I’ll see you later! You two have fun!”

“Where’s Wyan going?” Nate pouted,

The Foster Kid (Part 4) (A Foster The People Fan Fiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora