“Why did you do that?”

            He slipped his phone back into his pocket, “Because I am not leaving you like this. I’m here for you.” He pecked me on the lip,

            I smiled halfheartedly, “Thanks.”

            “Smile.” He commanded, “I want to see your beautiful smile.”

            I blushed and smiled,

            He kissed me on the lips, “That’s it. Everything’s going to be okay.”


            He then stood up straight, “I’m going to go look for them. Don’t go anywhere, I’ll be back in a jiff.”

            “What are you going to do?”

            “I’m going to fix things between you and your so called brothers.” He smirked, taking a few steps back.

            “No, Ryan. It’s okay.”

            “Stay.” He poked my nose.


            He stepped closer and cupped my face, “Stay and I’ll make things better for you, okay? You can trust me on this.”

            “And if it doesn’t?”

            “I’ll jump out the window and kill myself.” He kissed my forehead. “Stay put.” He stepped backwards and took a left on the corner. I waited for about ten seconds before following where he went. I took the left, stopped, and then slowly stepped back and hid behind the pillar. Ryan was there with Cubbie, Pontius, and Sean.

            “Where’s your girlfriend?” Cubbie asked,

            “Where’s Mark?” He asked back, “Never mind, answer that later. What exactly happened back there?”


            “I found her sitting on the floor with tears and I don’t like what I saw. Tell me what you did to her.” And that is why, ladies and gentlemen, I love Ryan Harrison.

            “We didn’t do anything to her!” Pontius objected,

            “Then why was she on the floor?” He demanded,

            “Okay, ssshhhhh!” Sean hushed, waving his hands in front of their faces. “Look, Mark just scared and confused her and she kinda slapped him on the face. That’s it, nothing more.”

            “Do you know why she won’t let you guys see Isom?” He sounded very satiric and rhetorical,


            “Because she won’t let you guys feel even one little drop of sadness! She’d rather cry herself to sleep every night than see you guys feel a hint of sadness! That’s why! She cares, man.”

            “Where is she?” Cubbie folded his arms,

            “Not until one of you tell me where Mark is.”

            Pontius sighed, “He’s somewhere looking for her.”

            “Listen, Mark isn’t mad.” Sean explained, “He’s sworn himself and I’m the witness.”

The Foster Kid (Part 4) (A Foster The People Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now