“Don’t worry, lovebirds!” Sean exclaimed,  “We’re not like Cubbie, we’re on your side!”

            “I guess that’s good.” He nervously chuckled,

            “So what took you so long?”

            “Sean, do you want me to slap you with a guitar?” I muttered,

            “Can’t a guy make sure?” Isom scoffed,

            “I must agree with him.” Ryan chuckled. I gazed at Isom in worry and curiosity,

            “Isom, are you okay?”

            He blinked slowly, “Yea, I’m fine.”

            “Are you sure? You look pale and exhausted.”

            “I’m fine.” He hardheadedly stated,

            “No you’re not.” I replied,           

            “Dude, you’re as pale as a ghost.” Sean studied him,           

            “For God’s sake, guys, I’m fine.”

            “Isom, I think you should go home.” I glanced at Sean,           

            “Come on, let’s take you home.” He put an arm around Isom, “I want you to be fine because we’re having a show next week!”

            “When and where?” Ryan asked,

            “Next week at the Hollywood Bowl.” Sean replied,

            “Exams.” He sighed in defeat, “A whole week of them.”

            “Aaww.” I kissed his cheek, “I’m sorry.”

            “Ugh, guys, seriously, not in front of me.” Isom grimaced,

            Sean shrieked, “PDA!”

            “Stop that!” I smacked Sean on the arm, “Go take Isom home.”

            “Come on, baby.” He said to Isom,

            Isom grunted and pushed Sean’s face away, “Ew.”

            “Get some rest, okay?” I had my hands on his shoulders,


            “Hey, Ryan.” Sean called and did the ‘I got my eyes on you’ threat.

            “I thought you were on our side.” He pouted,

            “I am, but not fully.” Sean unlocked his car,

            “Get some rest, Isom.” I told him and closed the door for him,

            “Okay, okay.”

            Back in my apartment, Ryan was quite, which was slightly weird. He was sunk deep on the couch with his eyes on the television, but I could tell that his mind was somewhere else. I watched him for a moment, wondering what he was thinking about. I mean, it could be anything that he’s thinking about. “Hey, what’s on your mind?”

            He put an arm around me and sighed, “Isom’s on my mind.”

            “What about him?”

            “I have a bad feeling.”

            “Why is that?”

            “I’m a doctor.” He smugly smirked,

            I rolled my eyes, “Yea, sure.”

            “You really should tell Isom to get a lot of rest.”

            “I’ll tell him.” I patted his chest, “I think I’m not going to tell anyone yet, and I guess Isom’s not going to tell anyone either. They’ll panic before that big day.”

            “I’m bummed that I can’t come.”

            “I’m sorry.” I kissed his cheek,

            He smiled, “Hollywood bowl, wow.”

            “Do you know what’s wrong with Isom?” I blurted,



            “No one’s going to expect that he could collapse at any moment.”

            “What’s wrong with him?” I asked again,

            “I don’t want to scare you.”           

            “You’re scaring me by not telling me what’s wrong with him.”

            He took a deep breath, “Remember his heart surgery a long time ago?”


            “Yea…” He gnawed his bottom lip, “But if he listens to you, there’s a slight chance that it won’t happen. It’s just a feeling, don’t worry.”

            The blood rushed out of my body, “Ryan, it’s not funny.”

            “I’m serious.”           

            “…” I started to think about all the bad things that could happen. I’m really worried about Isom, that’s some serious shit that Ryan told me. I kept convincing myself that it won’t happen and to stay optimist, which was a struggle.

            Ever since Ryan told that, I started to wonder if the cycle of life has got to the point where it goes downhill. Maybe the bad side of life has started. I’ve spent two years having a good time, and now it’s time to balance life out. Life has prepared itself to kick me back in the shins. I just have this feeling where something bad is going to happen.

The Foster Kid (Part 4) (A Foster The People Fan Fiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora