It's About Time You Get Back

Start from the beginning


“Andy’s got himself some beauty.” Sean wiggled his eyebrows, “I mean, seriously, she’s beautiful.”

“Are you jealous?” Pontius smirked,

“I’m actually jealous.” He replied truthfully,

“Me too.” Pontius nodded in agreement,

“What did Andy do again?” Cubbie asked and I immediately changed my mind,

“Nothing.” I shook my head, “I didn’t know what I was thinking.” But Cubbie looked unconvinced,

“Were you guys trying to kill her or something?” Mark arched his eyebrow,

“She has a phobia of heights, so Andy brought her there for her birthday last December.” I explained, “The next one’s a picture of her clinging on Andy like a koala. Seriously, that was really funny.”

“You kids are mean.” He shook his head,

“And so are you.” I scoffed, rolling my eyes. Mark kept on scrolling and scrolling and it took about five minutes or so to get to the last one.

“A video?” He evilly smirked,

Shit, the video. I swallowed, “I wouldn’t play that if I were you.” I warned,

“That just makes me want to see it even more.” Pontius chuckled,

“I’m serious.”

“Nah, it’ll be fine.” Cubbie shrugged,

I made an attempt to wriggle free from Pontius’s grip, “Let me go!”

“Play it.”

“Who said you could see it?” I cried,

“Because you can’t stop smiling and we’re worried about you. You didn’t hit your head or anything, right?” Mark teased,

I froze, “Was I really smiling?”

“Like an idiot.” He stated coldly,

“Play it.” Cubbie said again, and so Mark played that video. Pontius kept my mouth shut by covering it with his hand,

“Don’t say anything.” He warned,

“Hhhmmphhh ffmmppphhh.”

“Sshhhh.” He shushed. And so they had to play the video about ten times because they had a hard time believing. I had a hard time believing it too, but they’ve just met Andy once. Like that has anything to do with it.

“He got down to his knee!” Mark exclaimed, “Did he just do that in front of you?”

“Hmpffhh.” I raised my eyebrows,

“Pontius, let go of your hand.” Cubbie ordered and he obeyed,

“He did it at six in the morning.” I told them,


“Andy just proposed to Riley.” Sean murmured in disbelief,

I thought about it for a while, why exactly? “Because dad proposed mom at noon back home! There’s a six hour difference!” I exclaimed as the thought lit up in my brain. “I just remembered that!”

“Well planned.” Cubbie nodded, “I like how he works.”

“I guess being dragged out of bed at six was worth it, wasn’t it?” Pontius assumed,

“Yup.” I smiled, “It was worth it.”

“I don’t know why I’m so surprised.” Isom mumbled,

“We’ve just met him in person once.”  Cubbie notified,

“Mark, someone’s calling.” Sean pointed,

“Oh, look! It’s brother Andy.”

I squirmed and wriggled and wiggled in attempt to break free, “Let me go!”

“Answer it.” Cubbie said,

“Okay, it’s on speaker.”

“Hello?” Andy’s voice leaked out of my phone,

“ANDY! HELP ME!” I shouted,


Mark started laughing, “Relax, man. Your sister’s being weird.”


“It’s Mark…”

“Oh, hey.” He awkwardly replied, “What’s wrong with Ally?”

“Nothing, just being weird, that is all.”

“Andy, I just saw what you did on video and I’m astonished! Seriously!” Sean cried, “From Sean.” He added,

“What did I exactly do?”

“You just made a girl really happy, congratulations.” Cubbie said,

Andy nervously chuckled, “Thanks, I guess.”

“Those were some words, man.”

“Yea, I’ve been planning on saying that for six years.” I bet you a million bucks that Andy was blushing like a fucking tomato.

“Don’t forget to invite us to your wedding, okay?” Pontius reminded, “Don’t make me crash your big day.”

“No, don’t do that, seriously, that’s plain cruel.”

“That’s why!”

“Andy, why did you call?” I asked, so he would stop discussing about this.

“I forgot actually.”

I rolled my eyes like he could see it, “I’m fine.”

“Right, I was checking up on you.” He chuckled, “I guess I better go.”

“Good night, Andy.”

“Good afternoon.”

I stopped moving, like literally, with Pontius still locking me with his arms. I had this fad plan to set myself free from Pontius’s arms. “Ally, are you okay?” Pontius turned my head so he could see me,

“I don’t know.” I murmured, “I think I’m going to be sick.”

As expected, Pontius let go of me. “Seriously, are you okay?”

I hopped off, “I think I’m going to hurl!” And started to jog towards the bathroom,

“You’re not okay.” Mark stated. No one, at the last minute, expected me to turn and made my way to the refrigerator.

I laughed, grabbing this juice box from the refrigerator. “God, you guys felt for the oldest trick in the book!”

“Again.” Pontius sighed in defeat, “Some things just don’t change.”

“Sadly.” Cubbie agreed, shaking his head.

“By the way, what are you guys doing here?” I asked, trying to squeeze between Pontius and Cubbie on the couch. Pontius kept moving his legs, so I couldn’t sit. I then gave up and sat on his lap instead, that’s what he wanted me to do.

“Are you free tomorrow?”

“I think so.”

“Can you do me a favor?”


“Can you watch Nate for me tomorrow?”


He cackled, “It’s valentines tomorrow, and this guy here needs to take his woman out to dinner.”

“Cubbie, don’t you ever talk like that. It’s disgusting.” I grimaced,


“What about you guys?”

“Out.” They all said simultaneously,

I rolled my eyes, “Fine, I’ll watch that little chimp of yours.”

“Thank you.”

The Foster Kid (Part 4) (A Foster The People Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now