Thoughts And Memories

Start from the beginning

“You want my opinion?”

“And dad’s, if you know.”

“What did you do?”

“I said something.”


He nodded, “I agreed with everybody else, she’s weird when I got to know her a little better.”

“What do you mean by weird?”

“She…” He paused to swallow, “She’s too spoiled. I mean like, really spoiled. No, wait… I mean, she’s overly attached.”

“And what did you say to her?”

“I’m not your babysitter and then she just flipped at me.”

He laughed, earning a scowl from Andy. “So you want my opinion?” Uncle Ben asked again,

Andy reluctantly nodded, “And dad’s.” He said again,



“Yes, run. That’s what I’d do if I were you. Your dad would say ‘apologize and then run’.”

“So, you think I should apologize and then uh, like, run?”


“But that’ll make me look like a jerk.”

“There’s nothing else men can do in that situation.” He shrugged, “Unless you want to be stuck with her. Do you?”

“Not really.” He hesitated, “I’m tired of her behavior.”

“Then you have no other choice.”

Andy sighed and stood up, “Okay.”

            “So what happens next?” Uncle Ben asked,

“I guess I let her go.” He turned and disappeared into his room. Then my nose entered his business,

“Uncle Ben, did Andy and his girlfriend break up?”

He snickered, “What makes you say that?”

“He looks sad.” I stated, fumbling with my pencil.

He clicked his tongue and said, “Okay, I think you’re done for now. Go to your brother’s room and cheer him up, okay?”


“Yea, go talk to him.”

“Okay.” I hopped off my seat and shuffled to his room. I was only eight, so I’ll say whatever comes to my mind and that should do the trick. I went in his room and saw him lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling. I climbed on his bed and sat on him,

“Hey.” He pinched my nose,

“Are you sad?” I blurted,

“I don’t know.”

“It’s okay if you are, I’m here so you won’t get too sad.” I innocently said,


“You always make me happy, so I want to make you happy too.”

“That’s what I promised to dad.” He paused, his hands holding me in the shoulders protectively. “Listen, when you’re older I want you to be extra careful, okay?”

“On what?”

“Guys like me, jerks.”

“You’re not a jerk.” I objected,

“Yes I am, but you don’t understand that yet.”

“Okay, I’ll be careful.”

“I want you to tell me if anything’s wrong, okay? If you get sad, you come and find me, okay?”


“I know you’re smart enough to know that some guys can be jerks.”

“Yea, there’s this boy in my class who always gets in trouble.”

“There’s also boys who break hearts, those guys are who I want you to be careful with.”


“I can’t let you be treated like that.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be careful.”

            “Promise me?”

            “I promise.”

            He then sat up and propped me on his legs, “Good girl.”

            I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and buried my face on his shoulder blade, “I love you, Andy.”

            I heard him chuckle, “I love you too, Ally.”

            “I’m going to find you the perfect girlfriend.” I said. Today, I think that it was the dumbest thing I’ve ever said in the history of all the living things. Why was I so stupid?

            He laughed, “Hey, that’s my job!” He started to tickle my sides, which is where my ticklish spot is located. I started to wriggle and laugh like a maniac and thus the story of how Andy and I never got into another fight.

The Foster Kid (Part 4) (A Foster The People Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now