Chapter 2

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The hums of the machines were the first noises Ashley became aware of.  Then there were the voices. They sounded so far away, and she could not hear what they were saying.  Was that Rick?  The smell of antiseptic flooded her nostrils.  She tried to open her eyes, but her eyelids felt so heavy.  She rested another minute before she tried again.  Slowly her eyelids fluttered open.  The room was so bright.  The white walls overwhelmed her and she raised a hand to her brow to shield the brightness from her eyes.  Looking around, Ashley become conscious of the fact she was in the hospital. 

          "Hey!  Look who's awake!" Ashley gingerly turned her head and expected to see Rick.  Instead she laid her eyes upon a stranger.  He was a few inches taller than Rick and had a muscular build.  His flawless skin was set off by his dark wavy hair and brilliant green eyes.  Ashley was not sure why, but she was highly attracted to this guy. 

          "I'm sorry," she stammered ashamed at herself for being momentarily mesmerized by this visitor.  "Do I know you?" 

          He smiled, "My name is Henri.  How are you feeling?"

          "I'm not sure yet.  Have you seen my husband, Rick?" 

          "I believe he is out in the hall talking to the doctor."  He said, nodding toward the door.  Ashley turned her head and looked out the window into the hallway.  Still, she could not see Rick anywhere. 

           "Wow.  How long have I been here?  What happened?"  Ashley tried to remember and all she could recall was the argument with Rick and seeing headlights.  Her thoughts were choppy and convoluted.   

          Henri grasped the arm of the chair by the wall and dragged it over to Ashley's bedside.  Sitting down, he leaned forward and folded his arms across the plastic guard rails.  He shook his head.  With a seriously apologetic look on his face he stated, "I regret to inform you that your insurance company has cancelled your safe driver discount."  Ashley's mouth dropped open in shock.  Henri began to laugh.  When the laughter died down, Henri became serious.  "Ashley, you were involved in a head on collision.  You have been in the hospital for quite some time."

          Ashley tried hard to remember.  "I don't remember much," she began.  "I   was going home....I think.  I remember trying to get my stations back on my radio."  Ashley grimaced at a pain in her head. 

          Henri reached over the rail and brushed a wayward hair from her eyes.  "Ashley, don't stress yourself out trying to remember everything right now.  When the time is right, you will remember what you need to know."

          Even though she heard every word he said, Ashley was focused on the feeling of Henri's hand on her face.  It was the quickest of glances from his finger, but it set her skin on fire.  Henri continued, "Just rest for now and I will be back to check on you later."  


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2015 ⏰

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