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I was meditating outside when I heard someone land and Dende ask what they were doing back so early. I opened one eye and saw Violin walking inside with her head hung low.

"What's wrong," I asked.

"Nothing. I just wasn't feeling too well and left early. That's all," she replied. I stood up and walked over to her before tilting her head up to look at me. Her face held no emotion but her eyes looked lifeless and saddened.

"Are you lying to me Violin?"

"Why would I lie to you Dad," she asked giving me a smile which I could tell was forced. I'm never upset, but I was by that one action. She walked off and I soon heard her door shut.

"What was that about," Dende asked. I kept watching the hall that led inside and went back to meditating a few minutes after.


I was still meditating when a hovering car landed on the lookout. I watched Trunks and five other teenagers get out. He spotted me and ran over.

"Piccolo! Is Violin home?"

"Yes. What's wrong? Who are those five?"

"Hi sir. We're friends of Violin's. We were worried about her since she left early and decided to check on her," one of the boys explained a bit.

"Do you know why she left early," I asked.

"Because some other gir- umph!" One boy was trying to tell me before a small girl elbowed him in the stomach. "Ow. Maria that hurt!"

"Shut up Austin," the other girl said without turning around. "We're here to see Violin remember? Not goof around."

"Julia, just let him explain," the third boy stated.

"Danny, I'd prefer you or Mike explain. Austin will make it seem worse," Julia said. I was staring to get annoyed before the third boy spoke up again.

"Hello Sir. My name is Daniel, but my friends all call me Danny. Julia, Mike, Austin, Maria, Violin, and I are all a little group of friends. I guess you could say Trunks and her other friends add in too, but that's beside the point.

"Anyways, today at school there was a little accident that Violin really didn't want to happen or even knew was going to happen for that matter. A girl named Samantha is always bulling our group of friends, especially Violin.

"We were all eating lunch and Samantha said she had an announcement to make. We were all listening and Samantha threw pictures around and basically told everybody Violin was a freak and raised by one too. Her words, not mine.

"Violin got upset and ran to the nearest bathroom. The girls here went after her to make sure she was alright. She then came home early and we've been worried since she left. We came here to see how she was doing since Trunks said he knew where she lived."

"Violin's being bullied," I asked to which six heads nodded in a yes. "Wait. Why did she never tell me she had other friends or ever invite you over to see me?"

"She said something earlier about thinking we'd run away like the last one did. I don't know what she meant by that though," Julia said. I nodded once before motioning for the others to follow me and walked to Violin's room. I knocked lightly on the door and waited.

"Who is it?"

"Your father. Open the door."

"Go away please! I don't want to talk about anything right now!"

"Violin, either you open the door willingly or I'm breaking it down to with a ki blast." I waited a minute before hearing the sound of the door unlocking and footsteps retreating back into the room.

"Come in." I opened the door and saw her sitting on her bed holding a giant stuffed panda bear she won at one of Bulma's birthday parties a few years ago. "Yes?"

"We need to talk about what happened."

"Nothing happened okay! I told you, I wasn't feeling well and left. Nothing more, nothing less."

"You're lying."

"How would you know!? You weren't there."

"Don't raise your voice at me either. And I know because Trunks and your other friends came over and told me." She looked up and I followed her gaze to the door where six heads were in the doorway waving at her with sad smiles.


"Why are you guys here," Violin asked.

"Because we're your friends and were worried about you, duh," Julia said as she stepped fully into the doorway.

"I don't see why you didn't want us to meet your dad. He's pretty cool," Mike said with a smile.

"Yeah! Look at that height! He could be a basketball player if he wanted," Austin said with amusement. Piccolo grinned a bit but went back to his usual expression quickly after.

"You guys aren't scared of him," Violin asked her friends.

"Nope. Trunks told us how cool he was on the way over," Mike said.

"What do you say? Beat Samantha Friday night and get payback for today," Julia asked with an evil grin.

"On one condition," Violin replied. She looked at Danny with begging eyes and he sighed before turning around and crouching just slightly.

"Go ahead." Piccolo raised an eyebrow (sorta) at this but watched nevertheless.

"Hi Ho Sliver!" Violin jumped onto Danny's back and he dropped his head in shame as the rest of the group of teenagers laughed at his misery.

"Why is it always me??"

"Because Bronze and Gold never want to do it," Violin said with a pout as Danny stood up with her still on his back.

"Who are-"

"Mike and Austin."

"Why thank you for the gold compliment and all but Viola, I can-"

"Not you," Violin interrupted Austin. "Mike's Gold and you're Bronze." Austin fell over in shock before Mike and Danny laughed at him.

"Who's up for milkshakes and Dinner at our favorite restaurant? On me," Mike asked. Trunks politely declined because he had work at home, but the other five agreed happily.

As they were about to leave in the hover car Trunks let them borrow for the night, Violin quickly ran back to her father and gave him a hug.



"Thank you."


"Being you." Violin flew up a bit and gave her dad a kiss on the cheek goodbye before flying off beside the car her friends were using. As Piccolo watched, Dende came up beside him.



"Can I ask you something important?"


Who wants another joke? Okay.

How many Saiyans does it take to screw in a light bulb?

One, but it takes four episodes.

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