Waiting for Superman

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She's talking to angels, counting the stars

Making a wish on a passing car

She's dancing with strangers, falling apart

Waiting for superman to pick her up


After our minor blush fest, we head back to the living room to help clean. Marcus wasn't in the room, while Mom was putting her jacket back on. "Where're you going?" I ask.

"Marcus got a call from the studio," she explains. "We decided we both would go."

I quirk an eyebrow, "And you trust me with a boy in the house?"

She chuckles as Marcus runs back down the stairs, dressed in a leather jacket, a white shirt, and plain blue jeans. "I know you're not that kind of girl Shay. Just don't make even more of a mess."

I nod as they leave the house. I buzz my lips, turning to Johnnie, "So, what do you want to do?"

He shrugs, " Maybe we should start with cleaning the living room like you were asked."

I whine, "Do I have to?"

He chuckles, "Do you want to hang out or have your mom ground you?"

I groaned as I started cleaning the area, "Put on some music if you want."

After a few moments of silence, Panic! At The Disco started blaring from the speakers, making me smile. He really did love his Panic!. The first song that played was The Ballad Of Mona Lisa, one of my favorite songs by them. I started singing along when the chorus came around. Lost in my own world, I almost forgot that Johnnie was still here. When I was done, I saw him smiling. "What?" I ask.

He shook his head, "I didn't know you could sing."

I blushed furiously as I turned back to the food I was picking up, "Shut up."

I could sense that he wanted to fight me on that, but kept his mouth shut. He knows I don't like to show off. I don't really like drawing attention to myself at all. It puts me on edge. I don't like having to worry if people will judge me for anything, that's why I try to stay under the radar.
Soon, What A Catch, Donnie started playing, pulling at my heart. This song made me emotional. I go to grab another container, but Johnnie grabs my outstretched hand. He holds it gently, pulling me around to face him. His other hand goes to the smll of my back, pulling me closer to him. I stare into his crystal eyes, losing myself. He lets go of my hand and pulls both of them around his neck. His hands find the small of my back again as we start to rock back and forth. I snort, "This is so cliche, isn't it?"

He snickered, "Probably, but it's okay to be cliche every once in while."

I rolled my eyes, "Why are you doing this?"

"Because you deserve it," he mumurs. "I know you don't think you do, but it's true."

We weren't even dancing, not really. It was just swaying, staring at each other. In that moment, I realized that I really could trust him. He was one of the truest people I ever met. He has never lied to me and always tries to boost my confidence. I don't deserve him. Almost as if he read my thoughts, he says, "If anything, I don't deserve even being friends with you. You're amazingly kind. I hurt you when we first met, and you instantly accepted me. You're talented. I know you don't like to show it, but you are. You're humble about eveything you do. Also, you're one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen."

I was stunned. No one has ever said anything like that to me before. My eyes started to water as I pressed my lips to his. I felt sparks in that kiss. I felt nothing but complete bliss. I wanted to stay in that moment forever, but of course, someone has to step in. "Woah, keep it PG, will you?"

I jump away from Johnnie as Marcus stands in the doorway with a smirk on his face. "I forgot something, just be lucky your mother didn't walk in here." He chuckles.

Johnnie looked just as embarrassed as I felt. He was red and try to explain himself, stuttering like crazy. I almost laughed, but I felt the same way. I would be doing the same thing if I opened my mouth. Marcus stops Johnnie, "Hey, it's okay. There was no hanky panky, so I'm not going to tell Sheryl."

I sighed in relief, "Thanks."

He nods before leaving us. I give Johnnie a sideways glance before we both started laughing. "Y-Your face was priceless!" I exclaimed.

"I bet you would've looked the same! I thought he was gonna skin me alive!" He squeals.

I shake my head before picking up the bag of garbage on the floor, bringing it to the trash cans outside. On the otherside of the street, I saw someone I hoped I wouldn't have to see. Kiara was walking woth Justin down the street, hand in hand. I quickly put up the hood on my pajamas and ran back towards the house. I slammed the door shut, gasping for air as I rushed to the window, looking out through the sheer curtains. I saw Justin peck her on her cheek, making me gag. She then walks up towards the house. She lives across from me?! How did I not realize this in the two months I lived here?! "Shay, what's wrong?" Johnnie asks from behind me.

"Kiara lives right across from me, that's what's wrong!" I exclaim.

"Oh, I knew that." He says nonchalantly. "How did you just find out?"

"How did you know?" I shoot back at him.

He freezes before sending me a sheepish smile, "Heh, it's nothing."

"If it's nothing," I insist. "Why won't you tell me."

He sighs, running his fingers through his tangled, back hair, "I maybe...kind of...used to...date her."

My eyes go wide. Really? He dated her? When did this happen? And for how long? I'm surprised he didn't tell me. Then again, she acts like a class-A bitch. I wonder whqt happened to make her like that. He would've never dated her if she acted the way she does now...I think. "What happened."

He looked relieved when he saw that I didn't freak out. "We dated for a year and then broke up about a month before you moved here." He explains. "But that doesn't matter. I have you now." He says as he flicks my hair behind my shoulder.

I smile at him, even though I was a bit nervous. They dated for a year? We have barely known each other two months. They have a lot of history. But that doesn't matter...right?

I'm sorry for the long wait, I've been really busy with school and band and drama, it's just driving me crazy, but I saw ATL and SWS last night :) Also, I'm now writing an All Time Low fanfic called Real Friends. I have two chapters of that up and the third one will be up soon, so if you could go drop a comment there, that would make my day. Also, I'm kind of running out of steam for this story, so if you want to suggest something, you can comment or PM me anytime :)

My Demons {Johnnie Guilbert Fanfic}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz