Alone Together

484 19 14

Let's be alone together

We can stay young forever

Screaming from the top of your lungs


I entered the Art classroom, automatically feeling better with the smell of acrylic paint. This was my type of place. The desk were put into three rows, but they were all connected. I choose one in the back corner, hoping no one sat down next to me. I pull out my notebook I carried around and started drawing. I usually drew characters from anime, like right now, I was drawing Ayato Kirishima from Tokyo Ghoul, my new obsession. I was being sure to concentrate on the little details in his jacket and hair. I soon feel relaxed until a bang pulls me out of my thoughts. I jump and look over to see a familiar black haired boy. "Hey," Johnnie grins.

I smile at him softly, "Hi."

I turn back to my drawing. I wasn't trying to be a bitch, it's just when I get into a drawing, I don't stop until it's finished. I was a real stickler when it came to these things. I could feel him looking over my shoulder. "That's really good," he gushes.

I blush at him compliment, "It's okay I guess."

"Okay?!" He exclaims. "It's amazing!"

I shrug as I continue to shade. Okay, I'm still not trying to be a bitch. The last time I opened up to someone and let them compliment me...let's just say it didn't end well. For me at least. Since then, I tend to keep some walls up, no matter how nice people are. Soon, people start pouring into the room, laughing amd talking amongst themselves. I stared at them in envy. I wish I could have friends like that. Johnnie is amazing, but I bet he only feels sorry for me. As soon as his friends show up, I'm out of the picture. "Is your head okay?" He asks, changing the subject.

I nod, "Yeah, it's fine. Thanks for helping me out yesterday. Did you get your board?"

He grins, "It's no problem. And yeah, no one was there anyways."

"That's good," I manage before the teacher comes into the room.

He was tall and bouncy, like a kid in a candy store. A really big kid. Johnnie told me he was Mr. Singleton, and that he was like an oversized four year old. He finally notices me and smiles. "Okay guys, we have a new student with us!" He motions me to come forward, which I obey, not without blushing. "What's your name?"

"Sh-Shay," I mutter, feeling all eyes on me.

I could feel the judgement ooze out of their eyes as they stared. I felt like I was back in hell. They all stared at me like I was a piece of meat. "Tell us about yourself Shay," Mr. Singleton chirps.

I nibble on my lip, "Well, I-I like music and art. Any form of c-creativity I g-guess."

"Freak," I heard someone cough.

I bite my lip as Mr. Singleton gets upset, "You don't call someone a freak because they're different from you." He scolds. "If I hear another word out of you Mr. Finch, you're out."

The guy, aparently his last name was Finch, rolled his eyes. He had that stereotypical jock build. Tall, muscular, blonde, tan. And to top it off, he was wearing a lettermans jacket. Mr. Singleton tells me to sit down, which I obey thankfully. In the corner of my eye, I see the boy smirk at me. Oh no... "Alright, I'm going to pair you all up. These pairs are already predetermined, so no goofing off," he glares at the boy who smirked at me.

He starts to name off names while I pray I get Johnnie. I wasn't the most social person. "Johnnie Guilbert and Kiara McKay."

I hear Johnnie groan as he sends me a sad look. He grabs his things before walking over to the brunette I bumped into this morning. I shiver at the thought of seeing her again. Now I was gonna have to be stuck with an unknown person. I was screwed. "Justin Finch and Shay Fraiser."

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