1 - Could It Be Her?

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Knock Knock!
'Come in.' Commander Erwin's voice came from behind the oak door. 'Ah, Cadet (L/N). I have your uniform. I would like to personally welcome you to the Scouting Regiment.'
The commander stood from his chair and shook my hand, before reaching under his desk and pulling out a bundle of clothing labelled "(F/N) (L/N)".
'Thank you for lending us your strength, (F/N).' The solider said.
'It's a pleasure, Commander.' I replied, my (E/C) orbs looking into his bright blue eyes.

'Please, call me Erwin.' He smiled, sitting back in his office chair. 'Someone will be here in a moment to escort you to your room.' Erwin continued.
'Erm, Erwin?' I asked. Using his first name sounded strange. He looked up in reply. Damn, his eyebrows. 'Well, I was wondering if you could explain a little more about how the squads work?'
'Ah yes, of course, (F/N). Well there are four "groups;" Squad Levi, who perform special operations. Squad Hanji, who perform experiments alongside Titans, and Squad Mike. They perform special formations when we have expeditions. Anyone who is not requested for a squad joins the others, simply as a soldier, sacrificing yourself for freedom.' Erwin said. I had heard of Levi. The title "Humanity's Strongest" came to mind. I smiled at his name, remembering... No! I couldn't think about that.

Just then, someone knocked on the office door.
'Come in.' Erwin replied.
'Cadet Shona Hull, Commander. I was asked to escort Cadet (F/N) (L/N) to her new room.' Shona smiled at me. She had large brown eyes, tanned skin and long dark hair that was messily pulled back into a low ponytail. She saluted the Commander, making me remember that I hadn't, and I felt kind of stupid.
'Thank you, Cadet Hull. Cadet (L/N), you are dismissed.' He waved us off, looking at his paperwork.

As soon as we walked out the door, Shona dropped her perfect posture, and slouched, breathing out heavily. She made me giggle a bit.
'So, you're (F/N)? It's great to meet you! This is my second year in the Survey Corps. What made you choose us? Are you not scared that you'll die?' She instantly began talking to me and her speech was fast; it was hard for me to keep up.
'Hi, Shona. Can I call you Shona?' She nodded. 'Great. Well, I ranked 5th in our Trainee Squad, and I thought that it would be better to use my skill fighting for the freedom of humanity, rather than wasting it standing around in some palace somewhere...' I said dramatically. 'If I die, then I hope it will make a difference. So no, I guess I'm not scared.' My expression stoic, I stared straight ahead.
'Okay then... Here we are! I'll leave you to get settled in. I'm in Room 9, just up the corridor, if you need anything.' Shona smiled and left with a wave.
"Room 6" Read the sign on the door. I pushed it open and saw it was empty. In the room there was; two bunk-beds, four small sets of drawers, a table, two wardrobes and another door, which I soon learned led to a bathroom. The other three mattresses were made and had clothes on them; I guessed the other girls had already been here. The empty mattress was a top-bunk, and I saw that there was a small wooden sign that read "(F/N) (L/N)".

After I had unpacked my things I climbed up to my bed and began to make it. Just then, I noticed that a note had been left there.

Dear (F/N),
Welcome to our room! We're not sure where you are, but we have already unpacked our things. Jean, from our training squad, is having a 'get together' in the dining hall, to celebrate our graduation. We're going to go down in a minute. I'm not sure when you'll get here, but that's where we are. You are welcome to come along! I can't wait to meet you!
- Your Room mates, Sasha, Mikasa and Krista.
Okay, that's great. Someone is having a party and I am going to be late, nice one on the reputation (F/N). I said to myself. Quickly throwing on a plain black t-shirt and some jeans, I made my way to the dining hall. I only got lost once!

I opened the door, walking into foreign territory. Everyone turned and looked at me.
'Hi everyone, I'm (F/N). My room mates invited me to your party. I hope that's okay?' I said, to the group of about twenty people, feeling brave. A tall, light haired boy stood up and walked to me.
'Hi, (F/N). I'm Jean. I'm glad that you came; it's nice to meet you! I guess we were in different groups when training, I don't remember your face.' Jean flashed his teeth at me, and I was thankful to him for talking to me. He took my waist with his arm and led me to sit next to him. All the tables and chairs had been pushed to the side; everyone sat in a large circle. Brushing my (H/C) locks from my face, I smiled again and sat down. The chatter began to continue, and I spoke to Jean again. He really reminded me of something... But I couldn't think what.
'So, (F/N). How are you doing?' He asked. I answered I was good, and we kept talking for a while. Once I said something funny, he began to laugh. Then it struck me. Jean was the spitting image of a horse! Wow, how strange. His face was long and everything!
'How about we play a game? I brought alcohol!' A large blonde boy shouted to us all.
'That's Reiner. He ranked 2nd.' Jean whispered to me. I nodded, remembering his face. 'Oh wait, I do remember you! You came in 5th didn't you?' He then said, realisation covering his face. Blushing, I nodded again. I didn't want the attention of my high ranking. I wanted to be here as an equal.
'But shh, don't say it too loud. Why don't we play the game?' I tried to change the subject. He nodded and we walked over to Reiner.

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