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"Wow. What was that all about? That guy has some anger issues, maybe even issues in general." A voice said from behind me.

I knew who it was but I were too traumatized to even talk to him.

I stand in the same spot looking down the hall where Osvaldo stalked down two minutes ago.

"We have to get to class. Can't stand there forever." Jake says putting his hand on my shoulder.

"He's gonna kill me. H-He's gonna k-kill me." I sputter out, the words sinking in deep as I turn to face Jake.

"Nah, he's not. Not when I'm around.
Plus, he doesn't even have the balls to do that and even if he did, he wouldn't hurt a delicate thing like you; or maybe he would?" Jake teases, rubbing his chin.

I slap his shoulder.

He chuckles and takes my hand, pulling me down the hall towards my next class.

"We have to get going escort, because we have a lot more classes to get you to. If you don't make it; either way we may get in trouble with the principal and we both know that we don't want to that."

"Eh. Sometimes its fun to get into some trouble." I smirk.

"Are you fucking kidding me? You don't want to end up like Osvaldo, trust me. He said the same thing, and now look where he's at." He says giving me that 'I-thought-you-knew' look.


We make it to my class and Jake stops.

"Don't worry about Osvaldo, he won't come and take you even if he had a silver leash with a matching collar and he were ready to drag you out of the room."

I nod and he walks off giving me that million-dollar smile that makes every girl swoon.

I couldn't help but smile back and I noticed I were still in front of class when a kid literally pushes me out the way.

I hurry into class before the bell rings and walk to the back to reach my usual seating.


After what seemed like forever I were finally ready to go.

The bell rings and I were the first one up and out. I look around the hall to see if the coast is clear from Osvaldo.

I decided to take the long way to avoid Osvaldo at all cost.

I turn down the right side of me into the next flight of stairs that takes me to my next class.

As soon as I finished climbing the stairs I saw Osvaldo coming my way.

"Shit." I mumbled.

I turned and jogged back down the same flight of stairs and saw Jake coming the same way I were just about to go.

"Jake!" I yell, running down the stairs, knocking people over to meet him.

I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand on edge as I felt Osvaldo get closer.

Jake finally catches my eye and I take his hand and dragged him down the stairs.

We reach the bottom and Osvaldo was nowhere to be seen. The hallways begin to clear and Jake leads me towards a shortcut to my class.

We turn a corner and were finally  there.

"Thank you so much." I said to Jake.

Osvaldo came around the corner and spotted us. He had a raging look on his face and you could visually see the fume coming from his ears.

I squeak and gesture towards the door.

Just as I'm about to do that Jake holds me down; his hands firm on my waist.

He were having a little stare down with Osvaldo, like one of those western movies.

"What the fuck do you want?" Jake snarls out to Osvaldo.

"All I want is the girl and if you don't give her to me it won't end nice for you or for her." He says, turning his piercing gaze towards me.

I whimper and Jake holds his hand dangerously close to my behind.

"You said that last time; you remember? The same day I whoop your ass in the parking lot. Oh that was enjoyable. I would love to do it again." Jake spats the cold words out to Osvaldo.

I could see all the color rush to Osvaldo's face as he locks his jaw tightly 

The tardy bell rings and I swear under my breath.

"We'll talk about this later." Osvaldo says, walking towards the nearest exit out of the school.

Jake takes his grip off of me and I thank him once again.

He smiles and nods towards the classroom door.

"Oh yes." I speed walk to my class and go inside quickly.

Everyone's head turns towards me and one of those heads were the one with the perfect brown hair and electric baby blue eyes, and that's when I knew that that were my best friend.

Even though he may have said some things and turn his back towards me; I knew I weren't gonna give up on him or our friendship that we had for so long and that we had to build off of. He had an empty seat beside him and I go to sit in it. He looks up at me and smiles that smile that not even Jake can smile and make me swoon like I'm doing now.

I could feel my heart swell with delight as his smile grows.

I sit next to him and he looks over at me.

"Thank you." He mouths out.

"For what?" I mouth back and the teacher starts to talk to us about some shit I don't even want to hear.

"I'll tell you later." He mouths back to me.

I nod.

Okay, I'm sorry, ik this chapter is short but I'm saving up for the bigger part, the ultimate.

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