very bored. please read.

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Today has been a very lazy day.
Now, if you have any of these interests:
•murder shows
•stupid jokes
•game shows
Please talk to me, because I am incredibly bored.
Or frankly, if you're just awkward, please talk to me. We can be awkward together.
You can contact me on here, or
kik: huge_dissapointment
snapchat: echecok
Tumblr: bisexualpiesexual ((it wanted to correct that to "bisexual purse dual and I'm dying XD))
Or, as some of you may know, if I get to know you well enough, I tend to give out my phone number. Although I won't do so in this book, as that is much too public.
Anyway, I hope I get to chat with some of you!

My selfie book ヾ(・ε・`*)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ