Dancing in One Direction - Part 16

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Part 16

'Alright remember people just like we rehearsed.' Dina says, holding a clipboard, ticking off names of dancers as she passes our line back stage.

'You know you'd think considering this is our fifth live show, I would be less nervous.' Meabh says to me, jigging anxiously from foot to foot.

I just laugh and continue stretching. 'You'll be fine. We always are.'

'That's the spirit ladies,' Dean says, coming up behind us, putting an arm around each of our shoulders. 'Plus we can't afford to mess up,' he whispers to me when Meabh walks over to talk to Emma. 'Because Darren's in the audience tonight.'

I smile. Dean still hasn't told anyone that he's gay yet, though he's been keeping me updated on his relationship with Darren and apparently things are going great. He says they're keeping it on the DL because he's not ready to officially come out of the closet yet, but he seems so much happier than he did before, and I'm glad that Darren makes him happy.

'Well we'll make him proud, D.'

He gives me a gleaming grin, and heads over to Tom and the other dancers. I continue stretching, bending to touch my toes with ease, when I hear a whistle behind me.

'Nice view babe.' Harry says, grabbing my waist as I straighten up and giving me a quick kiss. I blush a little. The boys this week are singing 'Kids in America', which means all the girl dancers have to wear American styled cheerleading outfits, that consists of skirt that's shorter than it really needs to be. Thank god we don't have pompoms or anything, but I know that Dina was definitely tempted.

'I really love the dancers costumes this week,' he says, spinning me around to face him, not letting go of my waist as he glances down at my visible stomach and legs.

'Hey eyes up pretty boy.' I say, lifting his chin up to look at my face. 'Shouldn't you boys be getting ready to go on? I mean we're on after the break right?' I say, address the rest of the band around us.

'Yeah but we got time. Don't worry your little head Lauren,' Louis says, ruffling my hair slightly.

I just roll my eyes, and I'm about to say something back to him when Aimee's voice drowns us out.

'Look, I just can't do this anymore Niall.' she says, looking like she's trying hard not to get upset.

'But babe-' The look of guilt on his face is evident.

'I get it. I understand, and I'm not angry. You still love her, it's written all over your face. There's no point in us being together if your not happy-'

'But I am happy. You make me happy!' Niall says, grabbing her hand, not looking particularly sure of himself.

'That may be so,' Aimee says, tears in her eyes, 'but you don't love me. It's Chloe. It's always been Chloe.'

A single tear glistens down her cheek as she strokes Niall's face affectionately.

'Please. Go to her. I just want you to be happy.'

Everyone watches the emotions flitting through Niall's face, until finally he grabs her into a loving hug. A hug of two friends. He breaks off, kisses her lightly on the cheek, and runs towards the stage door.

Everyone is silent, and we all watch Aimee's strong exterior start to fade the minute Niall leaves, no longer needing to hide her pain.

Meabh is the first to go to her, pulling her into a hug, and soon we all do the same, until it's one group hug, filled with the love we have for each other. I don't think I've ever realised before just how much I do love them. How they always seem to be there if I need them, and how they know we can be there for each other.

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