Chapter 10: Grazed Collarbones

Start from the beginning

In a second he was up, and was staring at me, the look of pure shock evident in his eyes. He was horrified. Horrified because I had finally beaten him. I felt a little bad about giving him a nosebleed, but hey, when you mess with the bull, you're going to get the horns buddy.

"This isn't over yet." Alex growled, surprising me. Where was the congratulations I had been expecting? Where was the moment of victory that I so sorely deserved?

"Hey Alex--" I started, but he cut me off. "Take our your knife." he ordered, before taking five steps backwards from me, his eyes hard as he drew his own knife.

I blinked rapidly at him. He wasn't serious was he? But his stormy eyes said it all, and the Alex that stood before me wasn't one I was too familiar with. He was nearly scary looking, blood dripping from his nose, his eyebrows knitted together, and his face scrunched in an evident scowl. I was stumped at what had caused him to become so dark, and I was wondering what would get him to snap out of it, but he was getting impatient, and all I was able to do was follow his order.

So I drew my knife.

"Uhhhh....guys? What're you doing?" Jack's voice echoed through the forest, but his voice hit dead ears, and all that mattered was strategy. Alex wanted a fight? Well I'd give him a fight. One that he wouldn't forget. "Come on guys! Knives are a bit extreme, don't you think? How about we use...uhm...." he trailed off as some scrambling noises were heard. "Leaves! Ooooh! Scary! Way scarier than knives!"

Alex and I both ignored Jack, and when we began to close in on each other, I could feel my heart hammering in my chest. Adrenaline was definitely playing it's part in me, and I was so anxious, that when Alex flung himself at me, I wasn't even fully prepared.

He swiped at my face--which was extremely dangerous and could have ended up with me getting a massive cut on my forehead, but I miraculously managed to miss his attack by an inch (give or take), making him extra steamed. Obviously he wasn't used to missing his target on the first try.

I was shaken up, and when he charged at me, I panicked and dropped to the ground, rolling to the left as he came sprinting full force. He cursed loudly, and I kicked at his shin, making him fall to his knees as I bounced back up.

Bad move.

Alex latched onto my ankle before I could even think about making a run for it, and when I was yanked to my very own knees with a miserable thud, I couldn't help but wish my legs would have moved faster.

Doubling up on his attack, Alex pulled viciously on my ponytail, forcing me onto my back and causing me to be winded briefly.

"A-Alex." I choked out, but he was unreachable once more, and his knife was speeding towards my throat, so I swerved, the blade only managing to graze over my collarbones, making me wince as he drew blood. Unimpressed, Alex swore under his breath, but in that split second I managed to free myself from his grip and I slapped his face hard, blinding him momentarily.

Surprised that I had escaped, Alex was stuck in a state of bewilderment, so I took my chances and pounced onto him, causing us to start brawling in the dirt. It was fast, every second consisting of hair pulling, nail-scratching and even biting. Astoundingly, I managed to come out on top, both of my hands pinning Alex's arms to the dirty forest floor. He tried to move, but I kneed him in the ribs, making him stop immediately.

I slid my knife across his abdomen relentlessly, making a deep cut. My eyes were narrowed and Alex winced as blood gushed from the wound.

"Stop it! Both of you just stop!"

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