All I Ever Wanted

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Logan PoV

"Are you serious? You've never had a brownie in a mug before? Those things are amazing! You know what? We're going to make them." I said to Kendall, the pretty, bad boy superstar who was currently taking residence in my home.

"Right now?" he asked.

"Of course! When else?"

He gave me a look and I sighed. I grabbed him by the shoulders and backed him into the kitchen. "Come on, you big baby."

I had been spending more and more time with this boy, and the more I got to know him, the cooler he seemed to be. He liked to help people whenever he could, he liked seeing people happy. He also liked hockey, but his dreams of getting a hockey scholarship were flushed down the drain once he got signed to that record company. His favorite color was green and he liked pink smoothies the most out of the rest of the other colors. He said that he would rather go on simple dates rather than extravagant ones; dates with more thought put into them than money.

His little sister, Katie, was still around, even though he hasn't seen her since the car crash. He wanted to find her. They got separated when they were put into different foster homes. He's been looking for her for the past five years. That's all the information I could get out of him, though. He wasn't willing to share much more with me than that, though.

We had gotten to the kitchen and I had started pulling out the ingredients for the brownies. I told him to grab two large mugs from one of the cabinets above the sink. Once he gave the mugs to me, I got to work on making the sweet treats. Not even two minutes after I started, Kendall came up behind me and peeked over my shoulder, his breath hitting my neck, making me shiver. He must have felt it; he backed away from me a bit and moved off to the side.

First, I added the flour. Then the sugar, cocoa powder, egg, milk, oil, and lastly: the chocolate chips with a sprinkle of salt and a dash of vanilla essence. I did the same thing with the next mug and stirred them. I put both of them in the microwave (on high) for about two minutes. Soon, they were done!

"Voilà! Mr. Knight! Ze microwave browniez are finito! Bon appetit, Monsieur!" I yelled at Kendall in a cheesy French accent.

He smiled that heart-melting smile at me again and I felt like I was going to end up as a puddle of Logan on the floor if he did it again anytime soon.

I handed him his mug and blushed furiously as our fingers brushed when he took it from me. I grabbed mine as well and we walked into the living room together.

"Hey, do you want to watch a movie?" he asked innocently.

I nodded 'yes' at him and he went over to my video rack and yelled out a few options for us. We eventually settled on The Boy Next Door, and after that, The Wedding Ringer.

We both settled down on the couch, side by side and dug into our afternoon treats as soon as I had hit play on the movie.


Kendall PoV

Logan and I had started watching the movies together, but after about an hour of the first movie, he had fallen asleep on my shoulder. I had been getting drowsy too, what from the amazing mug brownie and the warmth coming from the boy next to me, so I laid my head down on top of his and drifted off as well.


(Three hours later)

"Kendall? Hey, Ken, wake up. Movies are over." I cracked open my eyes to see the sweet brunette waving his hands in front of my face. I caught his hand and pulled it down to my cheek. He gasped and pulled away as soon as his skin came in contact with mine.

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