I'm Comin' in Hot

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Logan PoV

I went outside for my normal afternoon walk with Yuma, my adorable little piglet. She squeaked before running off to the trees like she usually did in order to use the little piggie's room without my presence to distract her from the flow of nature. A moment later, she came running back, squealing as she did. I hurried to pick her up. "Yuma? Sweetie, something wrong?" I asked, even though I knew she wouldn't answer me.

She only started thrashing around in my arms. I held her tighter and looked around frantically, trying to see what was wrong. Then, I heard it.

It was very light, but it was still there. Breathing. Not mine or Yuma's. Someone else was here. No one ever comes here except for my best friends: James and Carlos; along with their dogs, of course. Yuma needs someone to play with, other than me.

I heard a twig snap, as if someone was running through the woods. I whirled my head in that direction, but I saw nothing there.

Next thing I knew, I was on the ground, all of the wind knocked out of me. The last thing I saw was a blur of something gold before my eyes and I was unconscious.


Kendall PoV

I had followed the lone sidewalk, even though my better sense had told me not to. Yeah, I push that voice to the furthest depths of my mind when it tries to speak.

I thought I heard some vicious animal shriek, so I took off running, not wanting to be eaten or killed in a forest.

I started breathing heavily and I heard the sound again. I picked up my pace and changed directions. I saw a clearing in the trees, so of course, I started running that way. The faster I could get out of here, the better.

I practically threw myself into the clearing once I reached it. The thing is, it felt like I flew into and hit something. Not something...someone.

I fell to the ground and looked beneath me. Here, underneath me, was the most beautiful creature I'd ever laid eyes on.

But it wasn't breathing. Oh my gosh, it wasn't breathing! What was I supposed to do?! I shook it's shoulders a little bit. It groaned and I knew it was breathing again. I waved a hand in front of its face. It's eyes cracked open a little bit and focused on me. I got a good look. It wasn't an 'it.' 'It' was a 'he.' His chocolate brown eyes stared into my green ones for a few moments before he started hitting me and yelling at me to get off of him.

"Ah, God! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I'm lost and... Well yeah, just lost. Oh, and hungry. And thirsty. Hey... Can I have something to drink?" I was starting to get sidetracked.

"Um... Who are you?" the strange boy asked. I only smiled at him in hopes that he would recognize me. Maybe he'd seen me before on tv or something. Something flashed in his eyes. He blushed.

"Aren't you... Kendall...? Yeah, you're Kendall Knight! I've seen you before. My friends are really huge fans of yours! What are you doing here?"

It was my turn to blush. "My tour bus was wrecked and I didn't want to stay in a stuffy motel, so I just started walking. I saw this sidewalk in the middle of nowhere, so I just decided to follow it. Then I came to this weird little forest here and I heard this noise; like a giant bird or something was nearby. So I ran. Then I heard it again and got scared and that's when I tackled you. That reminds me: are you okay?"

"I'm fine. That 'noise' wasn't a bird, FYI. It was my piglet, Yuma."

He called out for Yuma. "She must have ran when you showed up and tackled me." he said. A tiny pink ball of fluff ran up, looked at me, and snorted. "That's her way of saying hello." he pointed out, smiling.

I picked her up, thinking that she looked really soft; she was. She squeaked and squirmed around in my arms, so I handed her back to the boy.

"So, you know me. But I don't know you. Care to tell?" I asked, scratching my neck, smirking slightly.

His brown eyes darted around the area a little bit before he leaned in and whispered in my ear. "Logan. You can call me Logan." he leaned back and gave me a gentle smile, showing off two cute dimples.

The creature, ahem, Logan, looked at me. So I looked back at him. It was considered rude not to look someone in their eyes.

He blinked. And stared. I blinked. Yuma squealed.

He finally shook his head, snapping me out of my little trance and bringing me back to reality.

"So, you said you were hungry? I think I have just the thing for that!" Logan said cheerfully before grabbing me and Yuma and pulling us into the huge estate looming behind him.

I wonder where this could go...

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