Squirrels and Tour Buses

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Kendall PoV

"Are you serious? You can't get it fixed until two weeks from now? But that's gonna take forever!" I whined.

Wait. Pause. Stop. And rewind.

My name's Kendall Knight. I'm a world-renowned pop star, right in the middle of my worldwide tour. The crew, roadies, and I were driving straight through Coral Springs, Florida. It's a small place, but I hadn't been planning on staying there for long. I had a concert in Fort Lauderdale, and then three more once I got to Miami. Everything was going fine. Yep, just fine. Great, actually! All until that squirrel decided to run into the road.


"This," I hissed at the tour bus driver, "is all your fault! If you weren't such a softie for animals and 'poor baby squirrels', then we wouldn't be in this mess! I wouldn't be in this mess!" I screamed at him. I knew that I was going to feel bad about yelling, but I was too pissed to care. The tour bus was wrecked on the side of the road in a ditch and it was all that damn squirrel's fault. And the driver's too. I took deep breaths to try to calm myself down. It wasn't working.

I decided to start with a simple question, "How long is it going to take to get fixed?" I asked quietly.

The driver looked around frantically at my crew and roadies. "Two weeks." he squeaked. Then he braced himself as if I was about to hit him. I rolled my eyes at his immaturity and vulnerability.

"Are you serious? You can't get it fixed until two weeks from now? But that's gonna take forever!" I whined.

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Knight, but with our current location, a repair crew cannot come out here for two whole weeks. I think that we passed a small motel a few exits back. I could tell one of the crew members to take you there if you wanted?"

I waved him off. "No, absolutely not. You know what? I need a break. I'm going for a walk. I'm turning my cell off but the battery will stay in. Anyone who follows or bothers me will be fired, understood?" I asked. They all nodded their heads vigorously and went back to doing whatever they were doing before I had interrupted them.

I started walking. I didn't care where, but I just walked. I felt as though I had been going on for days, when in reality, it was more like two hours. I was just about to quit walking and turn around when I spotted something.

I walked over to it, although it took quite a while. It was...a sidewalk? Why was there a single sidewalk in the middle of nowhere? It looked freshly paved and dried as well. I crouched down and inspected it. Was this some kind of joke? I poked it once. Nothing happened. I poked it again. Still, nothing happened.

"Hello?" I called. No answer.

I tried again, but my efforts were futile. I gave up and decided to follow the strange sidewalk, thinking that it could lead me to some water. Or food. Yeah, food sounded good.

Boy, was I wrong.

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