Breaking The Balance - The Awakening

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Jordan's POV

The pain was the first thing I felt. Spikes of agony dancing through my system and dots swimming across my vision as white specks floated on the back of my eyelids. Exhaustion soon followed, rippling across my still form as I fought to open my eyes. Peeling open my eyelids, the first thing I saw were some stone bricks up against my face, a cold worn stone that rubbed against my skin like sandpaper. I rolled over slowly, wincing as my injuries began to throb – a pulsing reminder of the damage my body had endured. However, I pushed through the pain and grabbed the wall beside me, using it as a crutch to stand up properly. A wave of dizziness swept over me, causing my vision to blur as darkness tinged the ends of my vision.

Once I was stable against the wall, I took the opportunity to examine my surroundings and figure out exactly what situation I had gotten myself into. I was in a silent room, the only sound I could hear being the crackling of the torches and the distant whisper of the wind echoing through the dark hallways. My gaze travelled around the room, taking in this area I had clearly landed in. There was a hole in the ceiling, cracked stone bricks surrounding the human-sized shape that was allowing the sunlight to filter through and the light breeze to pick up. Iron bars framed the only entrance to the room and a clear path to the end portal was highlighted by glowstone lamps mounted on the wall. Everything seemed familiar to me, information flowing through my mind like an open faucet – leaving me to question where this information had come from; it didn't feel as natural as it should.

Filtering through my memories, I collected myself as I tried to comprehend the situation I had found myself in. My name was Jordan and I was a follower of the goddess Ianite. I came from the realm of Mianite and I had 3 friends – Tucker, Sonja and Tom. My mind was filled with memories of us in our home realm, messing around and pranking one another – a generally peaceful time. It felt odd to me, like a whole section of my mind had been rewritten or erased, a gap in my mind that left a foul taste in my mouth. I shook my head, chastising myself for being so ridiculous as I wracked my brain for more information. Sadly I found none. I decided to compare memories with the others when we met up.

The portal began making a strange noise, whining as if it was preparing for someone or something to launch out of it. I stumbled away from the portal, my eyes wide in fear and confusion as I watched someone emerge from the portal. It was a woman, dressed in light blue purple attire. Her trousers and shirt were practical, covering as much of her skin as possible to protect from any potentially harmful objects she may have come into contact with. A gold fastening of a sort was attached just below her neckline and connected a sash across her right shoulder down to left hipbone. Long, flowing violet hair cascaded down her back and a kind face looked over at me – caution and confusion warring with kindness in her deep violet eyes. She reminded me of Ianite, a younger version – less tormented by demons and war, no longer abused by the constant arguing of her brothers. A quiet voice broke the staring contest we were involved in, her voice soothing my panic as she approached me slowly, as you would a baby deer in order not to startle it.

"It's ok. Don't be afraid of me, I just want to help you. Now tell me, what is your name?"

I flinched as her hands hovered over my wounds, the bruises and cuts seeming to increase the pain levels as they were revealed to the general world. My voice shook as I spoke, my usual confidence fading away in the presence of fear and the unknown.

"J-Jordan. W-Who are you?"

"My name is Martha. I'm a resident of Dagrun. Where did you come from?"

"I-I'm not sure. We called the realm Mianite, yet there were several gods not just Mianite!"

"Do you mean Dianite, Mianite and Ianite?"

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