"Yeah, you think that Diem. Anyway, I have to get going now... I'll see you later, possibly." He said sending me a wink before walking off and I let out a sigh of relief. I wasn't really that worried but at the same time I felt like crap right now because all I could think about was the fact that Dustin had been watching us. Did that mean he knew where Caden lived, and if so how did he find this out and for how long had he been watching? This was really freaking me out...

I didn't know what Dustin was thinking of doing, and what if he really could get us in trouble? Wouldn't Caden lose his damn job? He wouldn't go to jail though right? It's not like I'm underage and we didn't even.... yeah.

And what would happen to me? This would all go on my record and I'd probably get expelled. No school would want me, and we'd risk all this for what? A thing that wasn't even going to develop into anything further but snuggling on a couch?

Not to mention how all my classmates would react if they heard about Caden and I. No doubt that Dustin would tell them if I pushed him over the limit. Well, it was more like he was the one doing all this pushing. I don't really care about what my classmates would say, but at the same time I don't think I'd be able to handle all of the attention and negativity coming towards me.

The whole car ride between Caden and I was quiet right now. While I looked out of the window, he had one hand on the steering wheel and another covering half of his face as his body was held in a stress filled manner and his elbow propped against the window.

I can't even imagine what's going through his head right now. His thoughts are probably ten times worse than mine and I've never seen him so angry. I could just see the pure hatred towards Dustin growing out of Caden and it was developing more and more as Dustin continued to show up around us.

He probably wasn't taking this whole Dustin following us around situation well either. If someone told you they were following you around for the past couple of days and trying to threaten you, you'd react the same way as Caden did.

We finally got back to the apartment and as soon as I stepped in I took a seat on the couch, my feet tucked under me, as my thoughts raced in my head while I stared at the blank wall opposite me. I couldn't help but think how simple this wall was and I wished my life could be as simple as it. Now look at me, comparing myself to a damn wall.

Caden sat down beside me took off his jacket while throwing his keys on the table. He brought his fingers to both sides of his head and started to rub his temples as he threw his head back against the sofa with a loud sigh. "Caden" I said quietly as he looked over to me finally while opening his eyes. "What do we do?" I asked while playing with my fingers.

"I don't know Diem." He said sighing and rubbing his eyes. I felt so bad for putting him under all of this stress. He didn't deserve this, especially not when I didn't even give him the decency of committing to a relationship.

"Well we have to do something. He obviously knows something."

"Please he doesn't know shit, he's just trying to fuck with your mind and make you paranoid. You can't let him get to you, not after all that he's put you through. Don't let him win." Caden told me but honestly I wasn't really listening right now I could only focus on the fact that Dustin had been following us!

"You could lose your job!" I exclaimed.

"He has no proof and even if he did..."

"Even if he did what Caden? Don't be stupid and throw away everything for me! Dustin obviously knows something and I don't want anything bad to happen to you, and plus its not worth the risk." I told him and he seemed slightly pissed.

I Won't Give Up (Teacher/Student)Where stories live. Discover now