Dear Megan,

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I love you very much. You're mine and I'm yours. You and I are seriously the 21st century Bonnie and Clyde. Minus all the robberies... Unless you wanna start robbing. ;) I'm down with that. Anyway, you truly know how to make this guy feel some type of way. /.\ Shhh. One day, when we're grown af and able to do whatever we want, I'm gonna fly down there and marry you. 💁🏽 Like,

"*breaks in through your window* Surprise, muthafucka. marry me, bby. marry me and then let's go make Moses. :')"

Of course you'll say yes because that's the only fucking option, tf.
{this part was written five days ago^}

{this was written today v }
TODAY IS YOUR BIRFFDAY. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MY LOVELY GIRLFRIEND. ♥️♥️ today is all about you day. Whatever you wanna do? I'm down for it. since I can't fly down there and give you an actual gift, I'm just gonna be here for you all day. No matter what. No interruptions. Nothin'. Unless.. It's an emergency. BUT IM SURE NOTHING BAD IS GONNA HAPPEN.

*grabs a mic* DEAR EVERYONE,

TODAY AN ANGEL WAS BORN. TODAY THE LOVE OF MY LIFE CAME OUT OF HER MUM'S VAGINA. :') Today is Megan's day. Fuck with her if you want to. e_e I will hunt you down. My hand to God. If you try to bring my girl down on her special day? You better believe I'm gonna make your day a living hell.

happy birthday, angel face.
I love you.

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