The First Step pt. 1

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"Yoohoo! Kitty! Wake up!"

I groaned and grabbed the pillow underneath me before pulling it out, hitting Rachel, annoyed that she woke me up. "Five more minutes."

She grumbled something unintelligent before grabbing my arm and practically pulling me out of the sleeping bag.

I groaned and when she let go of me, I immediately collapsed onto my sleeping bag, closing my eyes once more. I heard Rachel sigh. "You leave me no choice." There was a pause before I felt a finger rub the back of one of my cat ears and my eyes snapped open.

"No." I said bluntly and before I knew it, a gentle purr escaped from the back of my throat and I heard someone laugh behind me.

"It lives! And you are so cute when you purr." Vienna said when she plopped down next to me, making me narrow my eyes at Rachel and her.

"You guys are so mean to me." I said before closing my eyes. Rachel just continued to rub the back of my cat ear. "No, stop that." I purred gently and whacked her with my pillow again.

"Kitty, get up! We have initiation today!" I sighed and sat back up, giving Rachel the evil eye. She just smiled and stood up, handing my pillow back to me.

"Hey, V, why are you hanging out with a Faunus." A voice said behind me and I turned around. A boy stood next to Vienna and he had a frown on his face. He had short, coffee brown hair that swept past the top of his dark blue eyes. He had pale skin and the scar on his cheek made him look a little intimidating, but not by much. He had his hands in a dark blue and grey hoodie and he wore jet black pants along with a pair of blue Converse.

"Luke, this is Sebastian and Rachel, my friends." Vienna said, glaring at the boy- Luke- and looked at Rachel and I. "Sebastian, Rachel. This is my brother, Luke. Ignore him also." She smiled sweetly at her brother.

"Friends?" Luke spat. "I told you to stay away from them."

"Mom didn't." And she smirked triumphantly, like that was going to do anything.

"Fine. Whatever." Wait, what. I looked at Rachel and she shrugged. Luke walked away, his face red with rage. Looking at Vienna, I stood up and stretched, while Rachel said, "One, your brother seems rude. Two, you seriously used the mom card?"

Vienna laughed, and simply said, "Maybe." before walking off.


I fidgeted with the quiver on my back and looked at the many other kids, most of them in silhouettes , which was confusing.

"Good morning." Professor Ozpin said with a smile on his face. "Today, you will be entering the Emerald Forest. At the end up the path, you will come to a forest temple filled with multiple relics. Choose one and return to me. Then is when you will be assessed."

Glynda moved forward a bit, her long cape flowing in the wind. "I know you have been hearing rumours about teams. You will be given partners. Today."

"See!" Rachel said as she put a hand on my shoulder. I simply rolled my eyes as Professor Ozpin continued.

"That being said, the first person you make eye contact with will be your partner for the next four years. It is up to you to come up with your own landing strategy. Any questions?" Silence. "Good. Now get in your stances."

Rachel twirled a strand of her pink hair around her finger. "I'm so excited! We're going to be flying! Well, not technically flying, just flying through the sky. It's going-"

She went flying, a loud scream escaping her lips. I chuckled as I prepared myself for the launch. Soon enough, I went flying into the air, a now laughing Rachel close to my side.

"That so caught me by surprise!" She yelled over the roar of the wind. A moment later, she yelped.

"I just killed a bird!"


Word count: 818

I literally rolled my eyes when I wrote that last part.

The silhouettes part was, sort of unintentional. I planned it halfway, and was like, "oh, that might be funny." And after a couple of minutes, I forgot about it. But then, there it was. Sometimes my brain is so helpful.

So, this chapter is kind of up late, but I did spend about three days editing my other three chapters, so don't be mad at me. Be mad that they had to be edited. Because I wrote it.

But that's not the point. Also, it's the second day of school for me and already I have an essay to write, music to practice, a quiz to study for, math class, and a science experiment. I hate school so so so much.

Anyways, please vote/comment, leave positive feedback, and keep reading!

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