"Do you want to watch Netflix?" Finn asked.

"Ya, sure. I'll go grab some snacks" I said heading upstairs to the kitchen since his house is practically my own since we are best friends.

          I walked back downstairs to see a bunch of blankets laid out, and Finn started one of my favorite movies The Other Woman. After several movies I checked the clock to see it was 3:23. School didn't let out to long ago, Kurt, Finn's gay step brother, is probably waiting for me.

"Hey Finn, I need to get home, I forgot I was supposed to meet up with Kurt." I said gathering my things.

"Okay I can give y'all a ride to the party."

"I thought you were riding with all the other guys?"

"No I'm decided to ride by myself, but if you two ride with me I won't be lonely."

"Okay." I said laughing as we got in the car.

            As we rode to my house, I texted Kurt to come to my house. We pulled in the driveway and I saw Kurt's car was already there. I told Finn I would see him around 8:30, gave him a kiss on the cheek, and waved at him as he pulled out of the driveway. I walked into my house up to my room and joined Kurt on my bed.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked him.

"I wanted to tell you about what happened last night when Puck and Santana hung out, and about the rumor going around."

"Are they dating? Did they hook up? Also, the rumor isn't true, I swear!" I said frantically.

"No.... its just.....well....."

"Well what?! Spit it out!" I said eager to know what happened.

"Puck tried to hook up with Santana, but she didn't let him. I know because she showed up last night crying and talking about it. Also, I just wanted to warn you about him trying to do anything like that to you, and I know that the rumor isn't true."

"I appreciate the warning and I don't have to worry about him doing anything like that to me because after he started that rumor I don't want to hang with him anymore." I said.

        After talking for a while and watching Pretty Little Liars it was around 7:30 when we started getting ready.
After showering I went to my vanity to start my makeup while Kurt showered. After applying my foundation, I contoured my face, and started my eye makeup. I first applied eyeliner to my lower and upper lash line, I applied gold shadow all across my lid, then I did a thin layer of liquid eyeliner in my crease, and then did a wing to top it off. I slipped on dress which was black with see through stripes all along it, and a flowey skirt that went to mid thigh. I threw on my black heels and was ready to go. Once I was done getting dressed I curled my hair and did a waterfall braid.

Finn finally pulled into the driveway at 8:30 on the dot, he always has been a man of his word.
We finally arrived at Mike's house where the party was being held at. As soon as we walked in the door the overwhelming smell of weed and alcohol filled my nose. Finn told me to stay close to him the whole time, but with all the people I lost him in the crowd.
I went to the kitchen and grabbed a red solo cup and drank the substance inside. As I swallowed it burned my throat, but it tasted really good. After a couple of those I felt really good, not a care in the world. I started walking to where all the people were dancing and joined. All of the sudden I felt two hands grab my waist and we started grinding on each other I turned around to see Puck.
After doing that for a while, he pulled me to the kitchen and handed me another cup and told me to drink it. After I drank it I started to feel like I had no control of my body. Puck then pulled me upstairs into one of the rooms. As soon as he shut the door he roughly pushed me against it and started sucking on my neck. He continued doing that and as he started unzipping my dress something clicked in my mind as I realized what he was doing. I tried to push him off, but he was to strong for me. He pushed me onto the bed as I started to yell. He covered my mouth with his hand as tears poured down my cheeks. He continued to undress himself until he was just in his boxers and I was in my undergarments.
As soon as he was about to take my bra off somebody busted through the door and yanked Puck off of me. My vision was to blurred to see who it was, but all I could see was the figure punching Puck over and over. Soon the figure got off of Puck walked over to me and handed me the shirt they were wearing, when I finished putting it on they pulled me into a hug, as soon as they did I instantly recognized the scent of cherry blossom and Versace cologne. It was Finn. I sat there sobbing into his chest as he hugged me.
He soon picked me up bridal style and carried down the stairs. We were soon stopped by Sam asking what wrong. I continued to keep my head in Finn's chest while he proceeded to tell him what happened.

             After leaving the party and going to his house Finn handed me one of his t-shirts to sleep in. I slipped it on and handed him the one I previously had on. He threw it aside and walked to his closet and grabbed a blanket and a pillow.

"You can take my bed and I'm going to take the couch," he said giving me a kiss on the forehead heading out of his bedroom.

"Wait," I said as he was about to close the door, "Can you stay with me or at least until I fall asleep?"

         He came back and laid next to me and we were in a spooning position. He wrapped is arm around my waist and I started to fall asleep, but not before I heard three words that changed how I felt about everything.

"I Love You."

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