Chapter two- the City/ small journey

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As stated earlier, Sixaac and Hayley were setting out to visit the others. On their way out of the City they met Isabella (who at the time only had a dragon egg.)

City limits

8:00 A.M.

"Hey over here! Hayley! Sixaac!" Shouted Isabella.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with the others?" Asked Hayley.

"Well I was on my way and then I got lost so I just stayed here and waited for you two."

"I guess another person won't hurt" said Sixaac.

"Ya, it won't. Wait! I almost forgot! Look at what I found on the way here!" And at this, Isabella pulled out an ovalish stone about the size of a soccer ball. "Isn't this so cool!!!"

"Woah. What is that?" Asked Sixaac.

"I have no clue." Replied Isabella happily, "Just look at it, they way the light reflects off the stone, it's so pretty!"

"So you found a purple stone that reflects light." Said Hayley, who at this time was just confused.

"Yep!" Replied Isabella in a cheery voice.

"C'mon we got to get a move on." Yelled Sixaac who had run on ahead to tease the two girls. "We have to get there by noon!"

"Hold your horses!" Yelled Isabella in return.

"Then hurry up Slowpokes!!"

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