I'm pretty sure my eyebrows were past my hairline. "You want me to go with you to your house?"

"Uh-huh. Will that be a problem?"

Yes. "No. Just keep your hands to your self."

"Oh please, I'm not like that," he shook his head like he was disappointed that I'd even consider that he would.

"Black bra, remember?"

"Like I'd forget," he grinned as he threw Jeffery into a corner -asshole, Jeffy may be made of stuffing but he still has feelings- and climbed of my bed, messing up my covers as he did. Well, it's not like I actually made my bed this morning but still. "Let's go."

Dexter's house was... Cozy, I guess. Not too big, not too small. It wasn't overly decorated with frilly lacey curtains and floral patterned couches like his mother had gone crazy, but it wasn't bare either. And he also didn't have random, creepy ceramic frogs spaced around his house at way too regular intervals because his dad loved frogs (sadly, yes, my house does).

"Right, where's your play-doohickey?"

"Jesus Christ, it's a Playstation. Just in here."

He led me into a lounge room that had a black leather couch and a flat screen TV on top of a wooden entertainment unit. Against the back wall was a bookshelf almost completely full of books and at the foot at the of the couch that was closest to the window with the cream coloured blinds was a coffee table with a photo frame on it. Inside the frame was a picture of a little boy with dirty blonde hair grinning like crazy with a tooth missing in the front. How... Adorable. Now, if I could just get a copy of that photo, I would be able to blackmail Dexter into never going into my room uninvited again...

Actually, that made me wonder. "Where are your parents?" I questioned as I took a seat on the end of the couch that had the photo.

"Work. Dad should be about another half hour. Mum won't be back till six," he passed me a black plastic controller that felt bulky in my small hands and hit some button on the slim black console that turned it on. He pressed another button and a disk slipped out, which he replaced with a new disk.

"What are we playing?"

"That's not important. Just play the game," he selected something on the menu and began flipping through options or something. He selected something else. "We're on the same team, okay? You shoot the zombie guys with this" -he pointed things out on my controller- "and walk around with this."

"Okiedokie, so the sticky thingie is to walk and the this thing is to shoot?" he nodded. "Got it."

Dexter instructed me to stand in the downstairs area of the virtual room and guard some 'entrances' -oh please, they were just holes in the walls that someone had done a crappy job of boarding up- while he was on upstairs duty.

Figuring that it would be logical for brainless, idiot zombies to try the most obvious way in first, I stood in front of a door frame that had had the door ripped out of it, ready to shoot the dead-like things with my gun if they tried to eat my brains out (virtually).

"Uh, Willow, behind you-"

For some reason I shrieked and jerked my person around, moronically pressing the shoot button repeatedly with my eyes closed. Guess they weren't as idiotic as I had assumed.

In my hands, the controller vibrated and slightly annoyed thoughts penetrated my mind. When the annoyance subsided I opened my left eyelid a crack.

"Cool! I blasted his head off!" I exclaimed. "I did do that, right?" It would kinda suck if it had been Dexter.

"Yup, that was all you. But you might want to keep your eyes open next time. You might not be so lucky next time."

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