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"Dean, what the hell are you doing?" Sam asked frustrated.

"Nothing just some monster business." Dean finished typing on his phone as he puts it face down on the table.

Dean continues to look at his food. You and Sam look at each other in suspicion.
Sam nods and quickly grabs Dean's phone.

"Hey, hey! Give it back, man!" He reaches out but Sam keeps it close to his chest.

"What? Why?" Sam asks.

"None of your business, dude. Just give it." He demands.

"Nope." Sam say and looks at the screen.

"Oh my god." Sam says chuckling and gives you the phone.

"Oh my-you're on a dating app?" You asked trying to hold back the laugh.

"Hey don't judge till you try it." Dean defends himself.

"Impala67." you mimic his deep manly voice.
You and Sam lose it, laughing so hard half the bar is staring at you.
"Who's that?" Sam points out.

A notification popped up from the app.

"Shay88? Who's this?" You saw the messages and your heart broke. You just didn't show it.

"Check out her pic." Dean said with a smug grin.
Sam grabbed the phone from your hands, not wanting you to see the girl that the love of your life seemed to be flirting with.

Sam new about your feeling for Dean but of course, Dean didn't.

You looked down to your food trying to not pay attention to the situation.
"Woah. She's-" Dean interrupts Sam.
"She's hot, huh?" He smiles.

Sam looked at you to see you were zoned out. He saw a tear fall from your eye.

"Dean, don't you think this girl seems a little bit too available?" Sam says.
"What? A pretty girl can be into me?" Dean didn't see you cringe at the word pretty.

"No no. It's just-" the phone starts to vibrate in his hand.
Sam taps on the message tab and starts reading the texts between the both of them.
"I'm burning up just thinking about you? What the hell?" Sam says.
"I know, huh? You haven't even read half-" you interuppted Dean.

"I'm gonna head back to the bunker." You kept your head down. Your head hurt and your heart ached.
Your red puffy eyes were noticeable to Sam but the only one that you really wanted to notice your pain was Dean. And he didn't care. Or love you. So it didn't matter.

"Y/N?" Dean asked putting his hand out to grab yours.
"No, Dean. I-" you stopped when you saw a familiar face walk into the bar.
Tight dress that clung onto her perfect curves, beautiful hair that fell onto her shoulders, huge boobs with a great ass.

Your heart fell.

Sam looked up to see exactly what you were looking at. His jaw dropped which made Dean turn around.
Dean chuckled and stepped off the bar stool. Grabbing his jacket and leaving 20 bucks on the counter.

"I'll see you guys later. Don't wait up for me." He turned around and put his arm around her waist. Sad to say that his arm looked like it fit perfectly with her.

As they walk out he turns back to the both of you and smirks before he disappeared.

Sam looked back at you to see you frozen in place.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry." He grabbed your arm.

"Sam, it's okay. I um-I'm not feeling good. I'll see you later." You said quietly.

Dean WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now