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Imagine: Accidentally slipping up by calling Dean by your pet name for him, in front of Castiel and Sam.

Dean walks into the bunker with Sammy and Cas trailing behind. "We're back!"

I ran up to my boyfriend hugging him tightly. "Are you hurt? Do you need any stitches?"

Cas answered for him. "We're fine. The hunt went very well, actually. We killed the witch before she took her next victim."

Sam then butted in. "She did put up a fight, though."

Dean then whispers. "I hate witches-"

I cut him off finishing his sentence. "-why have they got go around spilling bodily fluids everywhere? I know you too well, Babe."

"Babe?" Sam asks slowly.

Cas decides to answer Sam. "I believe it is a common nickname for partners."

Sam then laughed and said. "You're her Babe?"

Dean, embarrassed, said. "Shut up Sam!" He then looked to you. "Really, y/n?"

I blushed. "Sorry, it just sort of slipped out..."

Dean sighed. "It's okay, sweetheart."


the picture I have here is my favorite picture ever.


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