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Vili-Hello! Welcome Ariella with a big round of applause!!!!!!!

Merry-*only person cheering*


Vili-now tell us a bit about yourself

Ariella-I'm an elf princess of Lorien

Merry-wow she's a princess!!

Vili-we haven't had any princesses yet!!

Merry-aren't you technically a princess?

Vili-well I'm Durin's heir after Fili, Kili, and Lili, sort of?

Ariella-we can all be princesses!!

Merry-Yay! I'm a princess!

Vili-I'm gonna die! *is laughing way too hard at Merry*

*Thranduil rides in on fabulous elk*

Thranduil-can I be a princess too?

Vili-geez Thrandy what's wrong with you?

Merry-you are already a king so why be a princess too?

Vili-*mumbles to Merry* well he does wear a dress

*Merry snickers*

Thranduil-I heard that! And it's a robe!

Ariella-I think it looks fabulous!

Thranduil-at least someone appreciates good taste in clothing

Ariella-yes I love clothing!!

Thranduil-will you come with me and look at fabulous things?


Vili-you didn't finish telling us about yourself!!!!

Ariella-I like to sing and play guitar, I sword fight and that's about all you need to know *climbs onto elk and she and Thranduil ride away*

Merry-ship coming on



Vili-either works


Welcoming LorienPrincess back to the chat!!!!!!!!! Yay! Spots are running out oh no! And yes I'm getting to the pie bake off and the games!

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