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"Excuse me" I whispered pushing the plate in front of me a few inches away.
I stood from my chair and began walking to the steps, my heart beating so fast I could heart it begin to hum inside my chest.
I entered my room and shut the door behind me, leaning against my door hand over heart.
Could the guy I'm so desperately in love with be lying to me about who he really is?
I sat on my bed, opened up my laptop and messaged him.
"Hey Luke?"
"Hey babe,what's up my love"
"Luke, can we skype?"
If he makes an excuse of some sort he's lying about who he is or something it could be an actual excuse.
"Sorry princess I can't my cameras broken at the moment"
I looked down at the keyboard of my computer and tears began to roll down my cheeks.
I didn't want to believe it I didn't want to admit it to myself that the boy I had know and loved for 8 months now may not be real.
"Listen Luke I'll talk to you later"
"Alright baby I love you"
Seeing those words across the screen felt like a gunshot to the chest, because I know there was a possibility he didn't mean those three words.
I closed the tab where the conversation was and opened a new one I searched "How to figure out if someone is real on the Internet"
I saw an article about something called Catfish on MTV, I searched up what it was and I realized it was a show about fake people on the Internet. There's a whole show dedicated to this and I never knew about it!
I searched how to contact the producers of catfish and it says they were casting for season 5.
Did it really resort to this? I mean there is still a huge possibility Luke could be real I've seen plenty of pictures of him. I mean do I really have to go this far? Who am I kidding? I need answers desperately. I saw an e-mail address and I figured that's how to contact the producers. I opened my email and created a new letter I titled it Casting for season 5 of Catfish. My hands were shaking out if nervousness, "do I really want to do this" I asked myself repeatedly.
I may not want to but I need to, I deserve the truth more than anyone.
I took a deep breath and I felt my fingertips touch the keys and I began typing
Dear Nev and Max

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