Lazers and Sloths and... A Wild Albert Einstein?

Start from the beginning

He did NOT just shoot me!

Oh boy. It's war now.


Sitting in a corner, I pulled the vest off, chuckling at Jeonghan who was pouting.

"You shot me that many times my score went into minus figures!" He whined. I did say it was war, didn't I?

Is it wrong to win over an angel though? Like morally wrong? I'd say God would smite me down, but he was the best he could be the other week. Come on man. Throw me a bone.

"Burgers.... Or crazy golf?" He raised a brow, smiling.

"You want to lose at something else too?" I provoked, laughing at his pout.

"I will win this time," he muttered something about calling the swat team in to sabotage my game. Honey not even MI6 could throw me off my game.

"This is glow in the dark too?" I mumbled, aware of the dark corners that could be hiding anything.

Anything at all. Like mutant spiders or... Or maybe big foot. Jesus Jeonghan save me.

*Jeonghan's POV*

"This is my song!" She screamed, knocking the bright blue ball through the windmill, and doing the club rave dance. Who knew she could be so open so quickly. Then again, she has a reason to trust us. I just thought it might take a while. But then again again, she's still human. She still has a mind. Who knows how it works or what goes on up there most of the time, though.

Listening closer to the song, I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Oh yeah..." she did the sprinkler move, spinning the gold club around her head. "I'M ON TONIGHT YOU KNOW MY HIPS DON'T LIE AND I'M STARTING TO FEEL IT NOW," she yelled, wiggling around in a circle. Not being able to contain myself any longer, I doubled over laughing at the sight of her.

"Shakira Shak- ooooh cramp," she stopped, sitting down, half laughing half crying clutching her side.

"Are you alright?" I stopped momentarily, worried about her. Obviously I was worried about her.

"I'm fine, I just got a little carried away," she smiled. Shaking my head, standing and chuckling, I offered her my hand and helped her up.

"You all good now?" I raised a brow, handing her back her club.

"All good," she nodded, gently taking it from me.

"I think we should go get food now," I laughed, knocking the ball into the final hole, putting her off so she missed.

"Yah, cheat," she mumbled, knocking it finally in, pushing me out of the way. I guess she doesn't like losing at all.

"Foooooooooood," I pulled her hand out of the glow in the dark section of the building to the food court.


"We're getting stared at," she mumbled, picking at her fries.

"Probably never seen a cat eat fries," I teased, dodging a flying fry. "Here," I handed her a napkin, but she dismissed it.

"I wanna keep it on until I see what you've done to my poor face," she laughed, pouting at the same time.

"Says you, who knows what my angelic face has become," we bantered for a while, until she finished her food.

"I really enjoyed today," I smiled, throwing our trash away.

"I did too," she smiled back, blowing some hair from her eyes.

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