Several students were complaining, until they too, saw the moving crack, and I heard several scared shouts break out. I knew I had to see what was causing this. I looked in the crack and stifled a gasp. There was a huge Demon in there, made out of rock, with glittering black eyes, glaring back at me, and as I drove to avoid it, the Demon leant to the side I was driving towards, then suddenly vanished from sight. I breathed a sigh of relief, when someone screamed. I looked back briefly, and saw to my utmost horror that the Demon was leant up against the side of the coach. I knew all the others, save for Harvey and perhaps Melissa,  would only be seeing a huge crack near the side of the coach. 

The Demon pushed at the coach, sending it skidding to the other side of the road, closer to the edge. I knew straight away that this was a higher level Demon. No lower level Demon would dare do anything like this, especially not with me there. 

Everyone screamed as the Demon pushed us again, forcing us right up to the barrier. Luckily, the barrier held, but by this point everyone was looking out over the edge, at the sprawling forest far below, and I heard a few whimpers and prayers. I had to do something. I felt, rather than saw Harvey look at the Demon and close his eyes. The Demon was suddenly knocked flying back and Melissa smiled, then screamed as the Demon flew under the coach and tossed it into the air. . .and over the edge. The whole coach was screaming, and to make matters worse, I had the Lists on my knee, the name of every person on the coach glowing on them, meaning they were going to die, far before their time. I had to do something. . .but what? 

I felt Harvey probing with his mind, anxiously searching every mind on the coach, hoping, desperately seeking an answer that might lie in another’s mind. 

“Harvey” I said telepathically.

I saw him jump and almost fall out of his seat as the coach continued to fall, then he registered who was speaking to him and replied.

“Tobias, what’s going on? Are we all going to die?” he asked, panicking.

I shook my head firmly.

“There is no way I am allowing any of you aboard this coach to die so far before your time. And to die by a Demons hands. . .No. I won’t allow it! Harvey. I need you and Melissa to use your powers together for me. Call for Kronos.”

“Kronos?” Harvey asked, puzzled.

“Trust me.” I replied. “Put your minds and powers together and create the strongest telepathic call you can, and call for Kronos.”

Harvey communicated this message to Melissa and they both closed their eyes and held hands and I heard and felt their call. 

Three miles away, deep in the forest, Kronos heard the call and snorted, broke free of his stable and galloped off to where the call was coming from. He suddenly appeared in front of the falling coach and looked at me. I nodded to him and he snorted and rammed into the coach hard, causing it to right itself  and from there, Harvey, Melissa and I were able to combine our powers to slow down the coach enough so that the impact wouldn’t kill anyone. 

I knew if it had been just Harvey who had used his powers, the effort required would have killed him, and the same went for if it had been Harvey and Melissa combining their powers. But with my power added, the strain was a lot less. Nevertheless, when the coach hit the ground, everybody fell out of their seats and there were many cries of pain as the coach finally settled.

“Is everyone okay back there?” I called back.

A shaky chorus of “Yes sir” came back at me, everyone was obviously terrified. It was then that I smelled a leak, and knew that I had to get everyone off the coach as soon as possible before it blew.

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