Chapter 5

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All the boys were really sweet. They all seemed pretty when I offered to help clean up too. Maybe Harry was right, maybe I would fall for one of them. But I didn't want to sleep naked for 3 months on a group couch. Stupid bet.

I finished unpacking my stuff, now I just had to find a place to keep my stuff, preferably a place other then my suitcase.

"Haz!" I yelled.

He poked his head through the entrance that led from the kitchen to the little living room.


I gestured to all of my clothes sprawled out on the couch. "Where can I put my shit?"

He laughed and fully came through the door into the living room.

"Damn, I thought Zayn had a lot of clothes." He mumbled.

I playfully pushed him back, "hush! Seriously though, where can I put it."

Harry looked around the room.

"There's a little cupboard over there. You can use that." Harry replied.

"Thanks." I chimed.

Harry looked at my neatly organized piles of clothes. They were sectioned off by the type of clothing. He picked up a lacy black thong an held it in front of his face with wide eyes.

"Ooo what's this?" He chuckled

I felt my face become hot as I started to blush. I snatched the thong out of his grasp.


He smirked, "I like that one."

I fake smiled, "I'm sure you do. Now get out Haz."

He chuckled to himself. Harry played with his loose curls. He leaned up against the frame of the door. I'm surprised he actually managed to do that. Last time he tried to be cool, he fell.

"We're getting dinner in a bit, feel like anything in particular?" He asked as he stood at the edge of the doorway

I shook my head, "Nah anything is fine."

He swung around the door way. Harry left the room as I began placing my clothes in neat little stacks in the cupboard.

"I don't think I have introduced myself yet." A smooth Irish accent said.

I let out a heavy breath. Don't get caught up Finnley. I turned around to see an attractive blonde behind me.

"I'm Niall." He said.

I nodded, "everyone knows who you are."

He smiled. His braces clung to his teeth and his blue eyes were mesmerizing. He stepped closer to me.

"I'm Finnley." I replied.

He looked my up and down a few times. Then left the room.

"Yeah! I see it!" He yelled from the hall.

What the fuck was that about? I shrugged it off and continued to put my stuff away. I had organized everything by the category it's in. All my shirts had their own pile, same with pants, shorts, dresses, jackets and shoes. There were three awkwardly sized drawers in a row. The first one had my bras and other shit, the second had my jewelry and accessories, and the third had all of my makeup. I admired my work. I didn't know why I organized it so well, Harry will probably ruin it just to piss me off anyways. I laughed to myself. I missed the old Harry. The one who worked in a bakery. The one who didn't wear pants tighter then mine. But most of all, I miss the boy that I nearly fell in love with. Woah, did I just admit I used to love Harry? Shit.

I closed the cupboard and propped my suitcase up against the wall.

Zayn came in the room and smiled, "two things. One, I'm Zayn. Two, were going to leave to get Nandos in 20 minutes."

I laughed, "I'm Finnley and alright, sounds good."

He left the room without saying anything else. I wanted to get to know him though. He seemed like the quietest one in the group, the complete opposite of Lou.

I walked into the bathroom and fluffed my hair up a bit. I reapplied my eyeliner and lipgloss while I was in there too.

Harry came up behind me, "ready to go?"

"Yep!" I replied.

He and I walked into the kitchen, where four boys were starring at us.

"Can we go know?" Niall pleaded.

Harry nodded. We all sat at the table in the kitchen waiting to arrive at Nando's.

"How did you and Harry meet?" Lou asked.

"We lived right down the street from each other, and our moms started talking. So I guess it kinda led to us talking." I answered.

The bus stopped in front of a cute, little restaurant. Niall nearly sprinted out of the god damn bus.

"You guys go head, Finnley and I will be right in." Harry said.

I looked at Harry in suspicion,"what's this about?"

He peered at the door, making sure all of the boys had left. They had.

"Are you still mad at me?" He asked.


Harry sighed, "on?"

"Look Harry, you have to admit, what you did was a very douche- like move. We were best friends, then for some odd reason, friends with benefits. Then you leave to go sing. I'm happy that you followed your dreams, but you didn't even try to contact me."

He looked down. His foot moved from side to side along the carpet.

"You're right." He replied.

He looked at me with his emerald green eyes.

"Finnley, I'm sorry. For everything. I want to make it up to you, and I want to be the Harry you want me to be."

I was in shock. Harry just apologized for everything. It's not like I was mad or anything, I just felt used.

"Harry?" I asked.

He looked at me with full attention.

I laughed to myself, "remember that time you kissed me?"

He smiled, "which one?"

"The one under the apple tree."


"How was the bakery?" I asked softly.

Harry smiled, "it was good. But I want to do something else."

"Like?" I asked.

"I would love to travel doing something I love." He replied.

"So basically, a world tour with White Eskimo?"

He smiled, "something like that. Yeah."

We took a seat under an apple tree at a park.

I smiled at him. He leaned in and pressed his lips on mine. His tight curls tickled my cheekbones. My arms moved up to his neck and rested there. He deepened the kiss as he placed his hands on my waist. He pulled away blushing.

"Sorry." He mumbled.

*end of flashback.*

"Oh that one." He blushed.

"Harry, I loved you then." I answered.


A/N: so this was a longer chapter :p haha please tell me what you think!(:

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Oh! And Acting Modest is released in 10 days!(:

Love you all so much! Thanks for your incredible support throughout my terrible updating habits!

Love you!


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