Chapter 3

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We walked into the little Chinese restaurant in the strip mall. We were seated by this awkward Chinese man who kept staring at my boobs, which I could tell Harry was mad about too. Harry sat across from me in the two-person booth.

"Hey," Harry said as he brushed a curl from his face. "You never told me if you were excited about tour. It's pretty rare when management lets us do our own thing."

I faked a smile. "Yeah! I'm really excited."

I was excited, but I was incredibly nervous. The boys seemed nice, that wasn't the problem. But there is five including Harry. That's five guys and me, which makes me the only girl on that bus. Sure, it's an incredible experience, but that doesn't make me forget about the fact that their fans are vicious teenage girls. Harry's hand past my face.

"Finnley?" Harry spoke.

"What? Sorry." I mumbled

Harry let out a deep chuckle. "The Tour starts March 18th and the American tour starts May 14th. So basically, you have two months to not fall for one of them. "

"Easy enough." I replied.

"Oh and you better get packing because tour starts in a few weeks." Harry said.

"But you just got back!" I yelled a little louder then I meant to.

"I know but it's a world tour. We have to start here then go to America and then other places." Harry responded.

I slumped back in my seat. I hadn't even told anyone I was leaving.

"Hey can I ask you something?" I said.

Harry nodded his head. "Shoot."

"Why did you invite me to go on tour with you?"

Harry chuckled. "I missed you."


"I left at a really inconvenient time."

"Yeah. You slept with me and then two days later you auditioned." I muttered.

Harry reached out and touched my hand. I wanted to pull away but I couldn't. I looked Harry in his eyes. His beautiful green eyes.

"I'm sorry." He said sincerely.

"For leaving me or stealing my virginity?"

"Both. Mostly the leaving thing though. Because the sex was great."

I glared at him. Harry just sat there smirking.

"Won't happen again." He teased.

Sadly, I knew he didn't mean that.

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