Chapter 1: ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

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"Alright, boys! It's time to tidy up, before we go to bed", I said while I walked through my two little brothers' and my bedroom, trying hard not to step on a toy. It was always like that with my brothers. In the morning our room would be absolutely tidy and in the evening it'd just be a mess.
"Why would we listen to you? You're not our mother!", my twelve year old brother said and looked at me through his round glasses.
"Because mom and dad left me in charge, while they are out having dinner with people from dad's job. You do know that, John!"
"But tidying is so boring!", my eight year old brother Michael whined and shook his head, so that his brown curls fell into his face. I'm the only one in the family who is left with blonde hair, but we all have the same wild curls and bright blue eyes.
My name is Wendy Darling and I am the oldest child of the Darling family. We have a nice house in London with a large bedroom for my brothers and me and a very cute dog called Nana.
I stroked back my brother's curls and said: "Look, if Mum and Dad come back home and see how clean our room is, that would make them really happy. And since they might come home later, I might allow you to stay up a little longer than usual and listen to a story."
That made my brothers' eyes light up.
"Really?", Michael asked.
"Yes, but first: the room."
That was a quiet easy way to make my brothers do what I want. They loved to listen to my bedtime stories and I loved telling them. They were good listeners and I was a good storyteller.
The room was tidied quickly and looked cleaner than it ever did. Finally my brothers crawled into their beds and listened carefully to my voice, while I told them stories about pirates and flying ships, as I sat on my bed, which was across from theirs. Soon the two boys closed their eyes and their breathing became more heavily. I smiled at them and put out the light. After that I crawled under my own sheets and drifted off to sleep within a few minutes.

I woke up in the middle of the night being very confused. I didn't know what woke me up, but when I heard the noise again I realized that it was our bedroom window. It was shaking really badly as if somebody wanted to get in. I stood up and looked over at my brothers' beds. They were fast asleep. Carefully I took a few steps towards the window, when it suddenly flew open and I jumped back in shock. A black figure floated into the room. It had bright yellow eyes and flew towards me. When he stretched his black arm out to me, I was terrified, but fascinated at the same time. My curiousity won over and I took the black figure's hand. It pulled me up and outside the window. Then it flew with me over London into the night.
I didn't know how long we flew, but suddenly everything went bright. The sun was high up in the sky. But that didn't make any sense. It couldn't have taken that long. When I looked down I gasped.
Beneath me was a clear, blue ocean and inbetween the water was a huge island. Suddenly I felt how the shadow was loosening his grip. I tried to hold onto it, but I fell with a loud scream. My body met the water and it wasn't even as cold as I expected it to be. I broke to the surface and caught my breath. Fortunately the shore was only a few metres away and I swam towards it. I could run the last metres, before I reached the beach and sank down to the sand.

Finally I got up, tried to whipe off the sand from my nightgown and stumbled into the woods, not knowing what to do. Fascinated I looked at all the unknown plants and trees. This place was beautiful. But a worry crossed my mind. How can I get home?
"Are you lost?", I heard a deep voice saying. I turned around and looked into beautiful green eyes. They belonged to a boy who seemed to be just a little bit older than me. He had brown hair and a medium height. Still he was quiet a bit taller than me. But honestly everybody was. I'm very small.
I had to say he looked good as he leaned against that tree, even with his unnormal green clothing. The boy coughed to get my attention back and I looked away embarrassed. I haven't even noticed I was staring at him.
"Kind of", I said to answer his question. "Where am I?", I asked him stupidly.
"Well, you're in Neverland."
"Neverland?", I wondered. "I know this place from my dreams when I was younger. Am I dreaming?"
"Not exactly. I am surprised to see you here. This isn't a place for girls." He took a step towards me. "My name is Peter Pan."
"And you live here?"
"And you are?", he asked without even bothering answering my question.
"My name is Wendy Darling."
"Wendy Darling", he repeated. He stood right in front of me now. Too close for me to be honest, but I didn't want to back away.
"Alright, Wendy", he began. "You can stay here, alone in the woods, but I will tell you now, this is a bad idea, because you are probably going to be lost. Or you come with me and I will show you the nice sides of Neverland."
"But why should I trust you?"
"Because it is the only way you can survive out here."
"Can't you just take me back home? I need to go back to my family!"
"You can go later. But why would you want to go back? Humans are bad. Especially adults. I thought that is why you are here."
"I don't know why I am here. This black thing took me. And why do you talk about humans like that. When you're not one, what are you?"
The boy cuckled slightly. "Well, I am a human. But let's say I am...different."
I just laughed and turned around to slowly walk away. This conversation was ridiciulous.
"So what makes you so special?", I asked him, while I walked in another direction.
Suddenly he stood right in front of me and said: "Was that a rethorical question?"
I jumped away in shock. Nobody could move that fast. I just stared at him for a moment before I finally said: "How did you do that?"
"I've got magic. Do you believe me  now?"
"I think so."
"Come on." He grabbed my arm and lead my through the woods. He seemed to know exactly where he was going, even though everything  around us looked the same to me.
"What was that thing that brought me here?"
"My shadow."
I decided not to question his answers. They were better than nothing.
"How long have you been here?"
"Are you always that noisy?", he asked back.
"Sometimes", I just said. "But you didn't answer my question."
"What question?"
"You know the question! How long have you been here?"
"Shh", Peter said standing totally still in the middle of the woods. "Be quiet!"
"Why?", I asked. "If you don't want to tell me then just say it!"
"Shut up!", he said. "I'm being serious. Somebody is here."
I frowned at him, but kept quiet.
We just stood there for a while until Peter said: "Hook. You can come out now!"

OUAT: Never Happy, Ever After - Peter Pan and Wendy DarlingWhere stories live. Discover now