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calum: bold
luke: italics


- may 25th, 2012, 3:05pm -



how are you doing?


i've been better...you?

well im good

have something happened?

yeah my life happened


im sorry for being so rude

i can't help it

no it's fine

i think we need to get to know each other??

i guess...why do you even want to help me? you don't even know who i am or whatever


but that's why i want to get to know you

fair enough

okay, so, what's your gender? im a boy yo

yo? im a boy too

age? im 16 :) wish i was older tho

i'll be 16 next month so 15 ://

your name? mines luke

calum :) calum hood

okay my last name is hemmings

so...any siblings? i have two older brothers

yeah an older sister

i hate being the youngest


okay where do you live? i live in sydney

oh my god really?


i moved to melbourne three years ago but i lived in sydney before that


when's your birthday? july 16th :D

january 25th so im a few months older than you woooh

okay yeah so funny


eye colour? i have brown eyes gah


like the ocean

as my friend always tell me

hahah my sister always told me mines like chocolate

i have to ask this

why did you want to kill yourself? why did you want to leave


okay so, this might be long to be a texting chapter (or not??), but idk how long they all will be...some will probably be really sort while some others will be longer...probably longer than this

and i will probably include writing from outside the texting if you know what i mean, but im not sure when that'll happen :))))

qotc: would you all answer these?
aotc: hopefully ;)

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