Again: Andy and Avery and Mrs. Ansale

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*( bold+underlined = Andy)*
*(Bold+nothing = Avery)*
*(Normal+nothing =Mrs. Ansale)*
*(italics+underlined = Asylum people aka. Ms. Moro)*
*(bold+underlined+italics= Mr. Parj aka. The other guy adopting )*

The Orphanage looks hideous.
It's an asylum not an orphanage.
I doesn't matter. Let's go meet the girl.
Or boy.
Mom says it's a girl, remember?
It doesn't matter.
Sit down you two while I go talk to the receptionists.
Ok mom.
Ok mom.
This is boring.
You think?
I would like to see all the children please.
Certainly, please take a seat. We will attend you in a second.
Look at that guy Andy
Don't point at him!
It's rude remember?
It doesn't matter.
Ms. Ansale-
We have a dad.
What it's true?
What lovely children! Anyway Mrs. Ansale, if you'll stand we'll show you and Mr.Parj the children.
You shouldn't have said that Avery!
Well we do have a dad you know.
But you shouldn't have interrupted her.
She deserves it! This place is the filthiest place I've seen and we've lived in a dumpster remember? Anyway I don't like her.
You kids hold the babies so the lovely woman can see them, too.
Ok I certainly don't like her.
Who is it you chose Mr. Parj?
The girl.
Oh you mean Molly? You don't want her she barely talks! And not to mention her attitude! When she's mad she destroys everything in sight and won't talk to anyone! How about the baby she's holding? He won't rememberhis former parents and - MOLLY GET BACK HERE!
She's fast!
No kidding!
Um, sorry for that I'll fetch her after we attend you nice people. So..uh...Who would you like to adopt Mr.Parj?
I think I'll take the baby. I don't have time to tame older children especially if they act like that! I daresay all kids are like that but I won't make a mistake with the baby.
Why you little-
Andy don't!
He called us animals and wild and...and...
Ok Mr. Parj, Sarah will give you the baby in question, Mrs. Ansale who would you like to adopt?
Take the Molly girl mom!
Yeah take her!
Oh children the decision is up to the adults not little kids like you!
I'll take Molly.
Oh...Um are you sure? She is quite a handful, and if you'd like another child you shouldn't just choose it because your children want to and-
I believe we all made the same decision. And last time I checked your supposed to encourage us to take the child we choose and not judge our choice. Now if you'd kindly go and fetch the child I'd be delighted fill the paperwork and leave. I have a very busy schedule.
I - all right.
Way to go mom!
Yeah nice job!
I told you I didn't like her.
I didn't like her either to be honest.
Then why'd you defend her?
The sooner we pick someone the sooner we get out.
You must be Molly aren't you?
Just a nod would be I'm Mrs. Ansale but you can call me whatever you'd like. This is my two children, Andy-
-and Avery.
Come on everyone let's go home.
Let Molly sit in the middle children.
I'm Avery.
I'm Andy.
Your gonna sleep in our bedroom.
Are you hungry?
We have some granola bars.
Or gummy worms.
Or gummy bears.
And if your bored we can lend you mom's phone.
And if your sleepy we can move the seat back.
And if your hot we can turn on the A/C.
And of your cold we can turn on the heater.
I think that's enough children. It's not like we're moving to Florida. Our house is right in front of us.

A Bond Stronger Than BeforeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ