“I admit that it wasn’t his smartest move, but we can’t let that stop us from helping him.”

“How come we girls always have to clean up you guys mistakes?” Lena asked teasingly as she looked up.

“Because you can’t live without us?” I suggested.

Lena laughed. “Just keep telling yourself that.”

“So… what do you suggest we do?”

“Well has anyone even tried to explain to her what happened?” Lena asked.

“Ehm… No. She wouldn’t believe us even if we did.”

“You can’t know that for sure. I believed it, so why shouldn’t she?” Lena contradicted me.

“Because she’s probably a sane normal person, unlike you.” I teased.

“Hey, I resent that. The voices in my head are insulting you right now.” Lena joked.

“So who should tell her? It has to be someone she knows.”

“That excludes us two then. What about Calvin? He is the best placed to talk to her.”

“Mia won’t even look at him right now, so I highly doubt she’s going to want to talk to him.” I said with a sigh.

“What about her friends? Do you know any of them?” Lena asked.

“Wait. Isn’t Kitty close to Mia?” I remembered suddenly.

“Yeah she is.” Lena said slowly after a moment of silence. “I always see them together whenever Kitty isn’t with Dixon.”

“So we should ask Kitty to talk to Mia.”

“Perfect. I can do that. Kitty probably already knows what happened from Mia’s point of view. We just have to explain to her what we know.” Lena stated.

“Will you do that?” I begged with puppy eyes.

Lena rolled her eyes. “Sure, as long as you stop trying to look like a hamster that just pooped.”

“Hey, my puppy face does not look like a hamster that just pooped!” I protested. “You love my puppy face. Admit it.”

Lena laughed and said, “Whatever helps you sleep at night.” as she started walking to her class.

“Don’t forget to talk to her.” I called to her right before she turned the corner.

Lena waved showing she heard, and with that she turned the corner.


I saw Lena later in math class. As I slid into the seat next to her, the bell range, and the class started.

“Did you get the chance to talk to Kitty?” I whispered.

“Yeah. I explained to her the whole situation. It took me a while to convince her that Calvin wasn’t lying, but at the end she believed me. She promised to talk to Mia, and explain what happened the best that she could. She then said she owed me, whatever that meant.” Lena said.

I shuffled in my seat, slightly embarrassed, because I knew very well why Kitty felt like she owed Lena. Lena luckily didn’t notice my discomfort.

“Kitty promised to call me when she was done talking to Mia to tell me how it went. She seemed kind of curious though why we were involved.” Lena continued.

“What did you say?” I asked.

“The truth. You’re a loyal friend that would do anything to help somebody you care for.”

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