We have looked at three place, 2 houses and a apartment and I have yet found the perfect one. Right now we're sitting in Rakims dinning room discussing the houses.

"So what did you think of all of the places we look at today?" The realtor asked.

"I like all of them but I rather have a house then a condo so me and Lola can grow into it."

"Ok so we're down to two houses. You have one by the bayside and another in a great neighborhood but is very old."

" I think I should go with the bayside home because it's newer and I can just add my own touch versus me renovating the whole house." I decided.

After thirty minutes later of signing paperwork I finally was a proud home owner.

"Congratulations you are officially a home owner."

"Thank you"

"Here are the keys to your house and I hope it's a success." She stood up.

"Thank you so much" I shook her hand before she left.

"Congrats baby girl" Rakim kissed my cheek.


"So when are you moving in officially?"

"I'm not sure I'm going to have to hire some contractor to come in and change some thing to my liking then me me and Lola can move in."

"Well why don't we celebrate" he grabs a bottle of wine and two glasses.

"For what?"

"You just brought your first house." He said as he pour the glasses giving me one and raised the other as I followed doing the same.

"A toast to you buying your first house, having the most beautiful daughter in the world, to your career picking up, being #1 and #2 on the billboard charts and to being the most sexiest women in the world." He said looking into my eyes.

Then I felt our lips collide together and i didn't know if I should pull away or just let it happen. I just stop thinking and wrap my arms around his neck. Things were getting rowdy. Rakim had put the glasses and wine bottle to the side and pick me up and laid me across the table. He started kissing down my neck leaving his mark then he sat me up enough to take of my shirt ,when he went to reach behind me to take my bra off my phone suddenly rung breaking me and Rakim attention from each other. I quickly hopped of the table and answered the phone.

Phone Convo

"Hello" I said breathing hard.

"Girl why are you breathing so hard" My mom said.


"Mhm your brother had to go to the studio so he brought Lola over here"

"Ok I'm on my way"

"Ok bye"


Phone Convo Ends

Once I hung up Rakim came up behind me and continued to kiss on my neck and his hand started roaming around my body eventually his hand found there way to my bra and he tried to unhook it again, as good as it felt I had to stop him and go get Lola.

"Rakim we gotta stop I have to get Lola from my mom's." I said moaning.


"Yes I gotta get Lola and I need you to take me."

"Ard but we going to finish this later you hear me??"

I nodded and put my shirt back on before grabbing my purse and phone and following Rakim out the door.

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