Part 5

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Koichi P.O.V

For a second, I was sure I was going to die. My heart - it was beating so hard I felt as if it could not stand any more stress or pain. However, the vocalist's embrace was warming and it made me smile. Everything he had just said was amazing. I was barely thinking anything besides 'he loves me?!' as I rested in his arms, and I had completely forgotten about the fact that we were sat on the pavement. I didn't care about how cold it was, I just wanted him to hold me. The cold was slowly creeping up my body from my toes to my head, but Tsuzuku's warming embrace protected me.

Tsuzuku P.O.V

I was immensely happy: I had just confessed (finally!) and found out that he loves me back too! But as I held him close on the floor, I couldn't help but notice I couldn't feel my fucking toes due to the weather and I was forcing myself to try so hard not to ruin the cuddle by violently shivering - I was sure it was going to snow at any moment and I just wanted to go home to continue our cuddle there instead.

"Koichi?" I spoke softly, I could feel that he was still shocked and scared due to the immense speed of his heart rate. "Let's go home." He nodded, and slowly stood with me.

"I love you, Genki" His sweet voice made me smile so much, and as soon as he had managed to stand up I immediately hugged him.

"I love you too Ko-chan." Another tear escaped his eyes, and I laughed at him, "Idiot, don't start crying again!" The pinkette giggled and wiped his tears.

"Come stay at my house tonight?" My smile became painfully wide at his words, and I nodded in agreement immediately. In response, he giggled at me more, and I blushed in slight embarrassment. Interrupting us, my stomach growled loudly, as if it were instructing me to feed it. A chuckle sounded from Koichi's throat as I grabbed my stomach in an attempt to silence it.

"And I guess we'll be picking up food on the way there then?" He smiled and I was glad to know I could eat soon. I decided to waste no time and left the area with him.

We started strolling towards his house when he suddenly froze,

"Tsu wait! My coat!" The stupid pink haired male made me accompany him as he persuaded the bouncer to let him back in to retrieve his coat. I felt kinda awkward as I waited for him because said bouncer had just watched me and Koichi sit in the middle of the pavement arguing, hugging and crying. But, finally, he skipped back out with his adorable coat around him.

"Stop stalling, Ko-chan - I have a stomach to fill and a man to love!" I smirked at him as I said that, before growling comically.

Koichi P.O.V

A man to love?! D-does he mean he wants to...? Oh I wonder what it'd be like... I wonder how big it is?! But it's only the first night together... I mustn't think such dirty things about him when I'm with him!!

My house was only a few blocks away, and I knew a good takeaway to stop at on the way there. It was a Chinese takeaway, but I only planned on taking some chips and curry sauce... Cheerfully, I took Tsuzuku's hand in mine, and he squeezed mine back in response, before I pulled him towards the takeaway. His hand was as cold as his personality (no - I was never going to stop making fun of him, even if he was now my boyfriend) but I promised to warm it up as we walked. The cold air made me shiver tremendously, and Tsuzuku lightly put his arm around me, hugging me close to his body. I realised this probably looked ridiculously awkward due to the fact that I was much taller than him, but I loved him too much to resist his embrace.

As we arrived, Tsu's greedy stomach rumbled once more, and I patted it, promising to fill it. I went to pull open the door when Tsuzuku rested a hand on my shoulder to grab my attention,

"Stay here, I'll buy our food seeing as you paid for the drinks and I practically ruined our night."

"Tsu please don't buy too much," I warned, "I know what you're like when you get hungry."

The raven haired vocalist rolled his eyes at me and laughed as he entered the tiny building. Sitting on the corner of the window ledge, I waited for my handsome idiot to exit the shop. After a short amount of time, the bell on the shop door dinged to announce his departure. My eyes met the tattooed man who was proudly holding up two huge carrier bags packed tightly with food. I admit - he looked cute and happy, but SO MUCH FOOD?!

"Are you stupid?" I said bluntly.

"Look, I'm hungry, okay?" I couldn't resist smiling at his adorable pout, and I took one of the warm bags from it and cuddled it in my arms. I inhaled the delicious scent of the food in my arms,

"Smells good, what did you get?"

"Whatever sounded good! Basically we have an entire meal for MEJIBRAY, the staff, and the fans all to ourselves. Stop complaining - I bet you're starving too."

I had to confess - I was very hungry.

I led the way back to my house and walked up to the doorway, fumbling around in my pockets for my keys. While balancing the bag of Tsu's sacred food in one arm, I shoved the correct key into the lock, turning it before violently barging the door open. I then practically fell into my house and tripped over a pair over black boots which I could've sworn were invisible. Tsuzuku let out a gigantic laugh, throwing his head back as he did so, but I quickly grabbed him and pulled him inside, explaining that my terribly moody neighbours didn't like any disturbances in the night.

Carefully, I shut the door, sighing as I flicked on the lights, illuminating the hall and Tsu's face.

"In there." I handed him the second bag of food and gestured towards the living room, and he complied, removing his expensive shoes before entering the room. Wearily, I removed my coat and hung it upon a hook, alongside 6 other coats that I wore daily. Then, I sauntered into my living room, where Tsuzuku had already started to lay the food out on my coffee table. He looked up at me and handed me a can of Japan's finest beer, and I too it gratefully, before plopping down on the sofa next to him and switching on the TV. Flicking through the channels, I found films... films... western films... anime... films... I gazed down at the complete meal - many of the dishes I had never even seen before - then up at the raven haired man who was munching contentedly on some chips that had been soaked in curry sauce.

I took a chip and waved it in the air to cool it as I stared blankly at the screen, almost begging it to show me something half decent.

"Put a music channel on or something..." Tsuzuku was now getting impatient - as usual.

"I'm trying to find one!"

"It can't be that hard to find one - there's loads!"

"Well what channel do I need then?!"

"I don't know... uhhh..."

The lighting in the room flickered and I looked up at the ceiling light. Nothing wrong with it.

"What is it?" Tsuzuku seemed confused at my concerned face.

"Nothing I just-" BANG.

Everything went as black as Tsuzuku's hair. The only audible sound was a disgusting high pitch sound that I could compare to a cat being strangled.


I have one question... The same one I had with my MiA x Meto story...
..who wants a smut scene soon? ;)

Thankyou for reading so far! I really want to hear Tsu's scream now 0_0 Please VOTE! Then, please COMMENT! Then, please FOLLOW! If you liked this part! I'll update again soon!! Thank you readers!!
(Don't forget to answer that question too!)

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