Chapter.4 - Wrapped in Guilt

Start from the beginning

Norma followed him obediently. He guided her to the kitchen. She took a seat on one of the kitchen stools. She watched him silently as he brought out 2 mugs from the cupboard to prepare the coffee. Sure he was tough and stoic. Maybe that's what his job demanded. But, there was certainly something indulgent within him. Something that was raw and untouched. Something that was hers to explore.......... but she would never allow herself to do.

"Here you go.." he handed her a mug filled with fresh coffee.

"Thanks." She replied coyly.

"Okay.. Tell me."

"Actually I need to know more about how you found him"

"Well... as Dylan told you, we found him lying flat on his face, in the dirt by the old docks. He was unconscious!" he raised an eye brow trying to read her expression.

"Was there anything on him??" she asked.

Norma was a conundrum, no matter how hard he tried; he could never get through her. "Anything like what Norma?"

She took a sip of her coffee and chose not to answer him right away.. "Alex..! Did you find Bradley??"

"No we didn't.. As I said, Norman was there all by himself.. No Bradley, no suitcase, like you had mentioned earlier." He kept calm not trying to push her because for one thing he was certain, she'd tell him everything. No more lying.

"Well I think you should send a search party down the water."

"Why Norma?? Why do you think she might be down there?"

"He killed her Alex!" her voice caught up halfway in her throat hardly making it audible.

"What??" he exclaimed.

"He .. he told me this morning!"

"What did he tell you?? That he killed Bradley??"


"No?? Norma.. Please could you be more specific?? I'm a little baffled here!" he urged her in a serious tone.

"He thinks I killed him Alex!" Norma depicted her morning conversation with Norman to Alex. "H-he blacks out and pretends that he's me and now he's saying that I.. I killed her.. Whereas, I'd been worried sick looking for him all over the town the whole evening along with Dylan!"

"Okay.." was his calm and composed reply.

Norma stared at him stunned. How could he be this calm and cool headed. This was not the Alex Romero she knew.

"I will send down a search party first thing in the morning. Bradley's off the radar anyways I don't think it matters whether she's alive or dead!" he deadpanned.

"Are you kidding me??!! He has killed her!! Don't you not get it?? How can you be so relaxed about this??" she yelled at him.

"So..... what?? you want him to go to jail??"

"He's gonna go to jail anyways, after that screw up you've done with the flash drive!! What I want to know is why are you favoring him all of sudden??"

"Well that's not gonna be a problem anymore either!" Alex mumbled to himself which unfortunately didn't get unnoticed.

"What does that mean Alex?? You handed the flash drive over to the DEA? Didn't you??"

"Yeah I did"

"So?? Didn't they go after him??"

"hhmm... they did"

"They caught him right?"

He looked away from her not sure what and how to tell her.

"Alex.. tell me.. if he's i.." then it dawned on her "oh my god! You let him escape, didn't you??"

He didn't reply.

"Alex! Answer me damn it!!"

"Yeah I did!! Okay??" he yelled.

"Why??" she demanded an answer.

"What why??"

"Why did you let him escape??"

"Norma, I don't wanna talk about it!"

"Are you kidding?? You have to tell me why and what happened bec.."

He cut her off "Norma please, I.. I need some time alone.. I will tell you whatever you want to know but please just spare me this one night.. please!?" he insisted.

She took a closer look at his frayed structure.. He looked as broken as she was.. A sudden urge rose within her.. She wanted to hold him in her arms and wipe away all his distress.. Deep down she knew he had done it all for her.. But, there was so much unspoken between them. So much that she needed to hear from him. Maybe just not tonight.

"Okay! Fine Mr. loner! I'll let you be; but we are not done talking about it. I need to know all the details. You understand smarty pants??" she tried to lighten his mood.

"Yeah.. We will.." he assured her.

Alex walked her to the door. At the exit, Norma stopped to look at him; cupping his left cheek with her soft palm she said.. "I don't know what's bothering you Alex but just so you know, I'm here whenever you need me.." she pressed her lips on his other cheek into a feathery kiss.


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