A Call From A Friend

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I was cleaning my room in the TARDIS. It was blue and had fake stars on the ceiling. My phone vibrated in my pocket, someone was calling me.

I looked at the the caller id it was Ginny. Ginny was my best friend from earth. I had wanted to talk to her but I never got around to it. I answered.

"Hi, Ginny!" I said

"Shay! Your mom told me and Jenette(my other friend) you died in a car accident!"

"Nope she kicked me out!"


"My birthday."

"Happy birthday to you then!"

"Know right!"

"Why did she do that?"

"I was adopted, turns out I was an alien that was turned into a human."

"No, really why did she kick you out?"

"I just told you!"

"Noooo! I need proof."

"I am 901 years old, the planet I was born on a planet that was called Gallifrey, I am a time lord, I have two hearts, I can regenerate, and the reason I was turned into a human was because of the time war."

"Wow, so what do you look like now?"

"Like I always did, time lords look like humans,we, however, live longer."

"How long do you live?"

"3000 years."



"Where do you live now?"

"With a guy, time lord like me, called the doctor, and, a girl named Rose."

"What is your real name?"

"The Legend."



"Well, I gotta go I will call you later."


So that's the game my mom wants to play. Well that's a two player game so prepare to be joined, Margaret (my mom's name), prepare.

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