The Christmas Invasion

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I had been kicked out on my birthday. My mother never said why. We were on a vacation that my family planned for my birthday. My mom knew I like England, so, as my birthday present, she decided we would take a vacation to Whales.

I had been ecstatic. I always wanted to go to where my favorite show was filmed. We got there a week in advance. The first week was fun. Then, she yelled at me, I don't know what for. She told me to 'get out! Get the hell out of here, you monster!' Who was she calling a monster?

So a few weeks later it was Christmas. I sat by myself at a bus stop. People rushed by not giving a crap.

I looked down at the old fog watch I had, it was old, and had weird symbols on it. They looked like some kind of words, I could have sworn I had seen them before. Then I noticed that I never opened it before. I placed my finger on the button that opened it. I pressed.

Light filled my vision, it was golden and bright. That, however, was not the most amazing thing about it. Nope, it was the memories that came with it.

I was the second born twin. On the planet I was on the second born in a pair of twins was bad luck, most of the time the infants were called "The Damned of Gallifrey". My parents were the royalty of Gallifrey. You may have thought that from the outside I would just be a snobby princess like my sister, Vivianose. I was different, when I was eight and looked into the time vortex, I got a power, I could control every element in the universe, including compound elements. This made me a bit antisocial, no wait I always was, nevermind. The only friend I ever had was a Time Lord by the name of The Doctor.

Then came the war. These things called daleks (they looked like pepper pots with a whisk and a plunger stuck on). However, no matter how funny their looks, they were the opposite. They wanted to kill all time lords and ladies. Bad news for me seeing as I was a time lady.

After that nothing, I know that there are more memories, but, they seem fuzzy.

After that I blacked out on the pavement.

I was instantly greeted by a makeshift santa brass band's horrid music. The first thought that came to mind was 'when will they shut the flapjack up!'. The seccond was "When am I?" I did a little investigating and found that I was at Christmas, 2005.

Suddenly my wish (about the brass band) was granted. Then I realized that it would have been better if they had continued that horrid music. Turns out, the brass instruments were flamethrowers! My inner time lady kicked in and I jumped into action. I saw that the Santas had singled two people out of the crowd, a girl and a boy.

Before the Santa could shoot them I ran over and no knocked the trumpet out of his hand.

When I did the mask came off to reveal a robot under. I flicked my finger and all the inner workings came undone. The random metal fell to the ground.

"Excuse me," the girl said "are you an alien by any chance?"

I looked the girl in the eye, she seemed trustworthy.

"Yes" I responded.

"Do you mind if I ask what kind?" She questioned further.

"Time lady" I said.

Suddenly the boy spoke up, " what do you mean time lady?" They looked confused. I sighed, oh, right, they were humans, and knew nothing of...

"By any chance did you know The Doctor?" The girl said cutting off my thoughts. My hearts stopped, the Doctor survived?! He was my best friend on Gallifrey!

" The Doctor?" I asked. The girl's face suddenly looked like she had let someone down. "He was my best friend! Do you know him!? Is he alive?!" I couldn't keep my excitement at bay. The girl smiled."wait I never got your name?"

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