What. The actual. Hell?

I swallowed and mumbled, "Um, hi." I turned back around swiftly and jangled the lock causing to open. I could've jumped and shouted, "Hallelujah!" but I knew that would attract more unwanted attention. I just couldn't wait till I got back to the lovely, peaceful, solitude of my dorm room.

"Hey." He then leaned against the locker next to mine stuffing his hands in the pockets of his jeans, crossing one ankle over the other. I looked him from the bottom up. And no. I was not checking him out! At all! I was just interested in what he wore. He had on those really shiny and fancy shoes that seemed to have light heels, but I'm not sure if they count since they're about an inch tall. And then there's the equally fancy- I mean at least for school- white button up shirt with a bow tie. And yes, I did already mention he paired with these light wash jeans, right? WTF? I looked up to see him smirking smugly.

"Like what you see?"

I wasn't sure if it was a rhetorical question or not so I ignored it and scowled, getting my books out of my locker for my next two periods that are far from each other. "Why are you wearing a bow tie?"

He looked at my head, smirk still intact. "Why are you wearing a hair bow?"

"Because I wanted to."

"Then we're at an understanding."

I was fully annoyed. At an understanding. No we weren't! "Well go away. Your toy is getting impatient."

"You are?" he retorted.

Anger: Over drive! "You ass!"

"Thank you. I've been told it was nice."

I snorted. "Yeah. Just about as nice as you are." I lowered my voice to a whisper. "P. s.: That wasn't a compliment."

"Ouch. Would you bandage those wounds for me?" he asked faking hurt.

I opened my mouth to tell him that no, I wouldn't, but I didn't mind taking him to the hospital when I was done with him, since he'd need it, but he leaned in causing any words formulated in my mind to dissipate along with any dominance I'd had.

I was now cringing against the locker in a benign and submissive way, my back laying against it tensely with his arms on either side of me as the curls from his head tickled my face.

"What's your name, Sweetheart?" he asked in a husky voice.

What the actual fudge cakes? Being the intelligent human being I am I uttered my name out to him. "J-um-Jade."

He grinned and his eyes looked down to my lips that were slack open in horror. No. No, he better not! He is not allowed to have my first kiss! He leaned in closer and I tried desperately to become one with the mean, dismissive lockers, grimacing as I did so.

Damn you lockers! Damn you motionless witnesses! Damn you Harry freaking Styles, just- just damn all of you! I screeched mentally at everything watching, enjoying this torment and humiliation.


He sighed his cool, minty breath fanning my bags lightly away from my eyes. His jaw clenched in annoyance and his eyes remained locked with mine as he asked, "Yes?" through gritted teeth. I peered around him and saw the blond head of. . .Oh god. It's Perrie Edwards. He turned his head too.

She looked between Harry's exasperated expression to my terrified one. "We need you," she stated simply.

"Can't it wait?" he snapped at her.

From there she began a small conversation with him that certainly distracted Harry as he argued with her, irritated. I began my escape plan and looked for exits. I quietly closed my locker, locking it in place. As I assessed the arms caging me at my own locker I knew I needed to be creative from here. Ugh. I bit my lip and smirked.

That Wallflower (A One Direction/ Little Mix fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now